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- Installer Manual -
“Output is switched ON for a period when charger power fails”.
If there is a power failure, you might want a beeper or some other warning device
to activate for a period of time.
“Output is Toggled when zone(s) are triggered”.
The uses of this may be up to your own imagination but “toggling” refers to the
output alternatively being switched on when zone is triggered, and then switched
off next time it is triggered; and then back on again the third time it is triggered and
so on.
“Output is Toggled when remote is triggered”.
This toggling effect is created by pushing the selected button of the selected
remote. If you have a floodlight outdoors connected to the zone so that when you
push your remote once, the light comes on, and then goes off when you push the
button a second time.
“Output is switched ON when zone(s) are triggered (switched off via Remote)”.
This allows you to have a light or siren come on when a zone triggers and then be
turned off only via remote.
“Output is switched OFF when zones(s) are triggered (switched on via Remote)”.
An example could be an electronic door catch is open until the zone is violated –
and then auto locks when the zone is triggered and then opened by remote.
The 10-pin port on the side of TextAlert allows one to have external devices such as existing
alarm systems activate TextAlert functions.
The dropdown menu for the two inputs is identical to one another. As you select each option,
different options will appear that explain that particular setting. These options describe what
that input (either 1 or 2) will ‘do’ when a certain criteria, like an existing alarm system getting
triggered will do.
“When Input goes Active, Trigger Selected zone(s)”
You can make your zone 14 send a message confirming to SMS recipients that the
alarm is going off.