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- Installer Manual -
Those names immediately replaced the generic “Zone 1”, “Zone 2” in the 3 remote screen
setups. We’ve left Zone 14 without naming it to show how it looks in the default setting and
also to show that you don’t have to use the zones in any order.
With a remote you can easily arm or disarm any single or combination of zones. In this case
we use the Blue button to Arm outdoor areas. (You might do this at bedtime). We’ve left the
Lounge and Bedrooms unarmed to allow you to move around freely inside the house. If you
choose to, you can have the system confirm with any message you like the status via SMS to
(in this case, just one recipient; Michael)
: When arming the system with a remote you can set a delay from the time the
button is pushed to actually activating the armed mechanism. In this case we’ve elected to
use a delay of 0 (zero) seconds. If you were setting up the remote button you use when you
leave the house (probably arming all zones), you’d use a time delay, maybe 3 minutes (180
seconds) that would give you enough time to be off the property after you push the button
before the system actually activates.
“Toggle Zones”;
Toggling will allow you to Arm and then Disarm the set of zones you choose
with each subsequent push of the button. This turns a single remote or remote button into an