4.13. Error
of the instrument
The error message shows up when the illegal entry is performed.
The categories of the error message is listed as the following table:
Error Code
Explanation (Limitation)
FrEq- Err1
Sine and Square wave Frequency over range.
FrEq- Err2
Triangle wave Frequency over range (1MHz).
FrEq- Err3
FrEq- Err4
Frequency over Resolution
duty- Err1
Not Square Waveform.
duty- Err2
Square wave Frequency over range when duty
cycle is not 50:50 (1MHz)
duty- Err3
Duty cycle over range (80:20)
duty- Err4
Duty cycle over resolution (1%)
The display with the panel is as follows.
FrEq- Err1
duty- Err1