Required Equipment
SLAU796 – July 2020
Copyright © 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Required Equipment
The following equipment and documents are included in the EVM evaluation kit:
Evaluation board (EVM)
Mini-USB cable
Power cable
The following equipment is
included in the EVM evaluation kit, but is required for evaluation of this
TSW14J58EVM data capture board and related items
PC computer running Microsoft
7, or 10
One low-noise signal generator for providing a reference signal for the ADC PLL. ONLY need with
external reference clocking option is desired. TI recommends the following generators:
Rohde & Schwarz
Rohde & Schwarz
One low-noise signal generator for analog input. TI recommends the following generators:
Rohde & Schwarz
Rohde & Schwarz
Bandpass filter for analog input signal (97 MHz or desired frequency). The following filters are
Bandpass filter, greater than or equal to 60-dB harmonic attenuation, less than or equal to 5%
bandwidth, greater than 18-dBm power, less than 5-dB insertion loss
Trilithic™ 5VH-series tunable BPF
K&L Microwave™ BT-series tunable BPF
TTE KC6 or KC7-series fixed BPF
Signal-path cables, SMA to SMP or BNC (or both SMA and BNC)
By default, the TSW12QJ1600EVM is configured to use a 50-MHz onboard crystal oscillator to provide
reference input to the ADC PLL which is used to generate the sampling clock to the ADC (In the GUI this
option is labeled as " OnBoard 50M Ref to ADC PLL"). A few small board modifications allow the direct
external sampling clock option (In the GUI this option is labeled as "Ext Ref to ADC PLL").