Test Procedure Example
SLVUAZ0 – November 2016
Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Evaluation Module for the TPS65235-1 LNB Voltage Regulator With I
Interface for DiSEqC2.x Application
Test Procedure Example
Voltage output check
Use the following voltage output checks while testing the EVM:
1. Connect I
C adapter to P1
2. Floating J3, J6, and J7, J4 to GND, J5 to GND
3. Apply 12 V to J2
4. Apply loads or non load to the output connector J1, check the output
5. Set the control register 0x00H and 0x01H to the expected output value and then check the output
6. Monitor the status register 0x02H for the IC status
Tone Output
Use the following tone output checks while testing the EVM:
1. Connect I
C adaptor to P1
2. Floating J3, J6, and J7, J5 to GND
3. Apply 12 V to J2
4. Toggle the EXTM (J4) from low to high, check the tone output at VOUT
5. Apply loads or non-load to the output connector J1, check the output
Figure 10. EXTM Has 22-kHz External Tone Input