Additional Resources
Additional Resources
LaunchPad Websites
More information about the FR5969 LaunchPad, supported BoosterPacks, and available resources can be
found at:
: resources specific to this particular LaunchPad
: information about all LaunchPads from TI for all MCUs
Information on the MSP430FR5969
At some point, you will probably want more information about the FR5969 device. For every MSP430
device, the documentation is organized as shown in
Table 10. How MSP430 Device Documentation is Organized
For FR5969
MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx,
Architectural information about the device,
Device family user's
MSP430FR68xx, and MSP430FR69xx Family
including clocks, timers, ADC, and other
User's Guide
Device-specific data
MSP430FR59xx, MSP430FR58xx Mixed Signal
Device-specific information and all parametric
data sheet (
information for this device
Download CCS, IAR, or MSPGCC
Although the files can be viewed with any text editor, 'more can be done with the projects if they're opened
with a
like Code Composer Studio (CCS), IAR, or Energia.
CCS and IAR are each available in a full version, or a free, code-size-limited version. The full source code
for some of the included example projects cannot be built with the free version of CCS or IAR (IAR
KickStart) due to the code size limit. To bypass this limitation, a code-size-limited CCS version is provided,
that has most functionality integrated into a library. The code that is built into the library is able to be
viewed by the user, but it cannot be edited. For full functionality download the full version of either CCS or
See the
to download them, and for instructions on installation.
MSP430FR5969 LaunchPad™ Development Kit (MSP
SLAU535B – February 2014 – Revised July 2015
Copyright © 2014–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated