Software Examples
The "Run App" selection has four modes:
1. Title Mode (Warning Page)
2. Deep Sleep -LPM3.5 Mode
3. Display Mode
4. Low Battery Indicator Mode
When in Title mode or Display mode, press the right button (S2) to put the device into LPM3.5 (Deep
Sleep Mode). Also in these two modes, press the left button (S1) at any time to exit the app and return to
the main menu.
When in Deep Sleep mode, the device remains in LPM3.5, and only the RTC is active. The left button
(S1) is deactivated while in this mode, and the right button (S2) can be used to wake the device from
LPM3.5 and send the device into Display mode. Also, in this mode the RTC wakes up the device
periodically to allow the ADC to sample the supply voltage before returning to LPM3.5. These ADC
samples of the supply voltage are logged into FRAM and can be transmitted back to a PC in the "Transmit
Data" mode.
The Display mode shows the stopwatch display and also the charge consumed while in LPM3.5. The
stopwatch is started when the device enters LPM3.5 and stopped on exit. Hence the total time spent in
LPM3.5 is displayed in HH:MM:SS format. The charge indicator is a reflection of the most recent ADC
sample of supply voltage. If the device is left inactive at the "Display Mode" screen for more than ten
seconds, the app times out, and control reverts to the main menu.
Low Battery mode is entered conditionally following an ADC measurement of the supply voltage. When
< 2.2 V, the device displays a "Low Battery" warning screen. The screen recommends that the device
be plugged into the PC through USB for charging. In this mode, the left button (S1) is deactivated, and the
right button (S2) is used to check if USB has been plugged in or not. If the device has not been plugged
into USB and the right button (S2) is pushed, the device remains in Low Battery mode. If the device has
been plugged into USB and the right button (S2) is pushed, the device enters Deep Sleep mode again.
When running this application, the ADC measurements are logged in FRAM while the device is running
from the super cap indicating that the ADC sampling and FRAM write have a very low-power footprint.
These logged values can then be sent to the PC and the data processed to analyze the reduction of
charge over time. The transfer of data can be done in the UART transmit mode.
The basic operation of the UART transmit mode is outlined below.
1. The eUSCI-UART and DMA modules are set up to transfer the data from FRAM.
2. "Sending Data – Please Wait" screen is displayed while the operation is in progress.
3. On completion "Data Send Complete" screen is displayed.
4. The data can be viewed using any hyperterminal application on the PC.
Active Power Application
The active power of the MSP430FR5969 device is directly dependent on the code and data cache hit ratio
and the clock speed of the CPU. The Active Power application shows the impact of both these factors on
overall system power.
To measure the power consumption of the MSP430FR5969 for the different frequencies and cache hit
ratios, the following steps should be followed:
1. Remove the "Measure Current" jumper from the LaunchPad
2. Use an ammeter set to the "mA" range and connect the leads of the ammeter to the nodes of the
"Measure Current" jumper
3. Navigate the main menu to the "Active Mode" app
4. Choose a frequency and cache hit ratio from the subsequent menus
5. Press the right button (S2) to enter the cache hit code
6. Tune the ammeter range to obtain the most accurate current measurement values
7. Prior to exiting the cache hit code, ensure that ammeter is in "mA" range, then press right button (S2)
to exit cache hit code
SLAU535B – February 2014 – Revised July 2015
MSP430FR5969 LaunchPad™ Development Kit (MSP
Copyright © 2014–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated