LOAD REGISTER FILE will cause the registers to be pre-loaded with the contents of the file named in
the box. This file should be the one saved by the File | Save Registers menu selection. This feature can
be used to quickly reload a specific configuration back to the devices under test.
S causes the LED indicators in the Global Registers area to blink. If not checked, they stay
illuminated RED under error conditions.
APPLY FILTER must be checked for the filtering available in the Tools menu to be operable. When
un-checked, the filter is off (set to 1). Newer versions of the WinGUI (2.1.12 and later) have deleted this
option, the filter is controlled directly (and only) from the Tools | Filter menu.
The plot menu allows setting up a simple strip-chart recorder for simple data captures. The data captured
to the plot is not automatically captured in a log file. It is available for use or saving in a variety of formats
while the program is running. The plotted data is lost if the program is exited without saving. Logged data
is preserved in a file.
VIEW PLOT replaces the registers display with the plotter view. It is identical to
checking the
View Plot
checkbox in the GLOBAL REGISTERS / LED display area.
RESET completely resets the plotter interface, restoring display defaults and clearing all stored data.
DISABLE CHANNEL opens another menu level and allows removal of data channels from the plot.
VIEW MARKERS displays a tick at each poll, helping to distinguish polls which return invalid or corrupt
data from successful polls.
Plot View
Figure 8. Magnified Window View of the Effect of Cell Balancing for Cells 1-3-5.
bq76PL536 EVM Quick Start Guide
October 2010
Revised May 2011
2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated