Displays of series DN-109NN, DN-119NN, DN-129NN and DN-189NN
Displays de las series DT-203X, DT-105X y DT-110X
The numeric displays for series DN-109NN, DT-119NN, DN-129NN and DN-189NN are
industrial displays controlled by PROFINET network that display numbers as well as a reduced
set of characters.
They can have one or two display faces, allowing many solutions and installation
possibilities. The digit sizes are: DN-109NN 57 mm, DN-119NN 100 mm, DN-129NN of 250
mm and DN-189NN 180 mm, at reading distances ranging from 30 m to 120 m.
The application field of these displays is very wide in applications where it is required to
visualize numerical values resulting of industrial processes sent from a PLC/PC through a
PROFINET network.
Other options:
3 static characters can be added using vinyl letters or led letters.
DN-129hNN. High luminous intensity
24Vdc power supply.
Fig. 1 Profinet comunication