4 System Overview
The System
Fig.4.4 : function principle
– pneumatic diagram of testo ASET15-1 with integrated testo
12 Excess measuring gas output
13 Measuring gas output
25 Safety cage to inhibit skin contact to the hot parts situated at the rear or the unit
32 Additional evaporation tube inlet port
34 Thermally insulated evaporation tube
37 Secondary dilution mixing chamber
39 Heat sink
The testo ASET15-1 is power supplied by one phase electricity. An internal pump feeds filtered
air to the integrated testo MD19-3E, where raw gas is added and therewith primary dilution is
carried out.
The testo ASET15-1 Air Supply / Evaporation Tube with integrated testo MD19-3E
Rotating Disk Diluter can be combined with the testo CU-2 digital control unit and therewith