Used only where allowed in natural wooded areas and very moist lawn
areas. Plugging in hard dry ground can damage grass roots leaving yellow
“dead spots” in time.
After pinpointing the target, use a six-inch sturdy hunting knife to cut three
sides of a four-inch cube around the target center (Figure 2A). Cutting a
“hinged” cube-shaped plug rather than a complete cone-shaped plug will
properly orient its return, prevent its removal by a lawnmower, and lessen the
chance of scratching the target. With the knife blade, carefully pry against the
cube side opposite the “hinge” and fold back (Figure 2B). Sweep the
searchcoil over the plug and hole to isolate the target location. If the target is
in the plug, carefully probe until located. If the target is in the hole and is not
visible, probe the bottom and sides until located, then remove it (Figure 2C).
Repeat sweep for additional targets. Replace all loose dirt with the plug. Seat
the plug firmly with your foot (Figure 2D).
Figure 2C
Figure 2D
Figure 2A
Figure 2B
Adapted from "Tools 'N Techniques" By Robert H. Sickler