It is recommended that you eliminate or reduce your use of any non-essential features. This can help your vehicle
maintain adequate electrical power for essential functions. It may also prevent your vehicle from shutting down
before you reach your immediate destination, although this is not guaranteed.
If this alert remains active, schedule service immediately. Without service, your vehicle may shut down unexpectedly
or may not restart.
Active service connection to vehicle
Service performing remote diagnostics
A service technician is remotely logged into your vehicle for diagnosis or repair. You may notice some loss of
Infotainment functionality while the connection persists, but this alert does not indicate an issue with your vehicle.
Your vehicle is OK to drive.
This alert should clear automatically after the technician completes vehicle diagnosis or repair. You may find it
necessary to restart your touchscreen to restore full Infotainment functionality after the alert has cleared. For more
information, see Restarting the Touchscreen in your vehicle's
If this alert does not clear after 24 hours, it is recommended that you schedule service via your Tesla Mobile App or
with an independent service provider. Please note that independent service provider options may vary, based on
your vehicle configuration and your location.
Air pressure in tires very low
PULL OVER SAFELY - Check for flat tire
This alert indicates that one or more of the tires on your vehicle is extremely low or flat.
The Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) has detected that the air pressure in one or more of your tires is
significantly lower than the recommended cold tire pressure.
You should pull over carefully as soon as possible. In a safe location, check for a flat tire.
You can request Tesla roadside assistance options (mobile tire, loaner wheel, tow) if required. See
Roadside Assistance on page 207
for more information.
In a non-emergency situation, it is recommended that you visit a local tire shop for assistance or schedule service
using your Tesla Mobile App.
Maintaining Tire Pressures on page 181
for detailed information on where to find the recommended cold pressure
(RCP) for your vehicle's tires, how to check tire pressures, and how to keep your tires properly inflated.
The alert will clear once the TPMS has a consistent tire pressure measurement for each of your tires within 3 psi of
the recommended cold pressure.
• The alert and Tire Pressure indicator light may still be present immediately after you have filled your tires to the
recommended cold pressure, but both should clear once you have driven a short distance.
• You may need to drive over 15 mph (25 km/h) for at least 10 minutes for the Tire Pressure Monitoring System to
measure and report your updated tire pressures.
For more information on tire pressure, inflation, and maintenance, see
Tire Care and Maintenance on page 181
Air pressure below recommendation for tires
Check pressure and refill air as needed
This alert does NOT indicate that there is a flat tire.
Troubleshooting Alerts
MODEL X Owner's Manual