25 IEEE address setting CTR 5501 / CTR 5502
The CTR 5501 address can only be set with the tool supplied on the AutoStar CD using a USB 2.0 Cable.
To set the GPIB address, it is first necessary to establish a connection using USB. Please see the section on
installing the driver.
To choose the GPIB address of the CTR 5501/02, use the Flash Loader Tool found on the AutoStar CD.
Once communications is established, click “Set“ to the right of the GPIB address field to bring up this setting
Picture 2–14: Set GPIB address (001 recommended)
2.9.2 Updating NSG 5500 firmware
Updating the firmware should only be done with direct assistance of your local
support organization.
Incorrectly performed firmware downloads will result in an NSG 5500 that no
longer boots and must be sent back for service!
Select the desired address, then “Ok“ to confirm. The address is immediately sent to the controller interface.