1. Connect the HP8648C Signal Generator output to the RF connector of the TC-5942B.
2. Connect the 900MHz Rod or Dipole antenna to the SMA connector inside the TC-5942B.
3. Set the HP8648C to CW 900MHz, 10dBm output.
4. Set the HP8590A Spectrum Analyzer as follows:
CF: 900MHz
Span: 1MHz
Resolution BW: 10kHz
5. Connect the 900MHz Dipole or Rod to the Spectrum Analyzer with RF cable.
6. Open the lid of the TC-5942B and move the antenna around the TC -5942B to find the
location where the maximum field is found. Fix the location of antenna for maximum field.
7. Adjust the spectrum analyzer input range and set the 900MHz signal to the top display line.
8. Close the lid.
9. Maximum field should not be greater than -80dB from the top reference line.
10. Change frequency to 1.8GHz and repeat the test described above.
11. Change frequency to 2GHz and repeat the test described above.
Before making a measurement, visually inspect the shielding gasket around the lid.
Replace the gasket if there is any visible damage or excessive wear. Look for a black oxide
deposit on the aluminum contact surface around the gasket. If an oxide deposit is found, remove
the oxide with a cloth or 3M household scrubber saturated with WD-40 or alcohol.
5-2 Performance Test