Figure 5-2
TC-5942B RF gasket
Maintaining the shielding effectiveness.
RF shielding effectiveness of TC-5942A/B/BC depends on mechanical contact and will degrade
with its use. Typical degradation is shown in Table 1.
Table 5-1
Typical Degradation of Shielding Effectiveness vs. Lid Open-Close Cycles
2. If there are no mechanical damages to the gasket or its contacts, the original shielding value may
be restored using the cleaning procedure described below.
A Remove the mesh shielding gasket from the grove and dust it with on ordinary painting brush.
B Remove the black oxide deposit on both sides of aluminum contact surface. The black
stain can be removed using a WD-40 type lubrication oil and light scrubber such as 3M-green
wool. Wipe out the stain and excess oil with a soft cloth, leaving the surface clean and lightly
The interval between shielding maintenances may be shorter or longer in length depending
on the applications. For typical applications, 60dB of shielding is sufficient and maintenance may
be performed every 12000 open-close cycles.
Frequency of Open/Close
Shielding effectiveness
5000 open/close
7000 open/close
> 70 dB
12000 open/close
> 60 dB
Do not clean this equipment with organic solvents such as benzene, toluene or
acetone as they will damage the plastic parts. Use alcohol to clean and maintain parts of the
The RF gasket is an important element of
optimum shielding. It must be checked
periodically for damage or wear out
Periodic cleaning of the aluminum contact
surface where the gasket touches is important
for optimum shielding performance.
5-1 Maintenance of TC-5942B