C.A.R. 4000 (English)
wheel to the right until this arrow also points completely up. Now press the soft key labeled
APPLY to enable the filter.
Press the up button once and now you will see that the title of the tab is reversed again. Ro-
tate the wheel to the right to set the other options on the remaining tabs. In this example you
are setting the style to Folk.
Now take the settings for ranking and genre together and apply them to the database. The
browser will now only show the titles that match the criteria folk and have the top ranking—
i.e. for
” and for
. You can also refine the filter even more
precisely with the other settings (mood, year of release etc.).
INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, ALWAYS? Er .. OK, thank you.
But that's not all. To make this as flexible as
possible, you can also link the various filter criteria together. The icon to the right in every
filter setting shows what effect the current entry will have.
INCLUDE. The plus in a circle, the default setting for the filter, means that what is se-
lected will be included. In the above example, folk is included in the filtered view of
the database.
EXCLUDE. The minus means the opposite. I want to see everything in the list except
what I have selected—in this example everything except Folk. In effect, the selection is
ALWAYS. The exclamation mark indicates that regardless of the meaning of the other
criteria I always want to see all titles from the folk genre. Thus folk titles that would
normally be excluded because of the ranking will be visible because of the ALWAYS setting.
Multiple filters are managed with the filter menu. More below ...