Built for Urban Warriors, not Stuntmen
Watch the Weight
Tern bicycles are only designed for one person riding with both wheels in contact with the ground on paved roads only. They
are not intended for racing, jumps, hops, wheelies or anything of the kind. The manufacturer and dealer are not liable for any
direct or consequential damages. The warranty will be void if your pedelec is not used in accordance with the intended usage.
Using the bike for off-road riding, jumps or stunts may cause damage to the frame and risk injury or death to the rider.
Maximum carrying capacity = Rider Cargo weight
The maximum carrying capacity of your Tern Pedelec is 105 kg (230 lbs)
If the maximum weight stated and your bike’s CE Frame Sticker differs, follow
the CE frame Sticker.
If carrying cargo or extra weight, make sure the bike is stable and is within the
maximum load capacity.
Practice handling the bike in a safe area before riding on public roads.
If not properly handled, sudden shifts in load while riding can affect your balance and lead to serious injury or death.
Please see the separate enclosed folding instructions.
5. Intended Use
6. Unfolding and Folding your Tern
CE Frame Sticker example