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6 – U P D A T I N G C O N T R O L U N I T S / M O D U L E S
6 . 1 O v e r v i e w
The GNA600 can be used to update (reprogram) any Honda control unit or module with
EEPROM (electronically erasable programmable read only memory) storage. Currently,
EEPROM handles the software storage in some PGM-FI and automatic transmission control
The GNA600 is much faster than the HIM (Honda Interface Module) that it replaces. You will
see rapid upload times from the PC to the GNA600 and also from the GNA600 to vehicles that
use the new CAN (control area network) protocol. Based on the communication protocol used,
connection speed between the GNA600 and different vehicles will vary.
To update control units/modules, the CM Update software must be loaded into the PC used with
the GNA600. The CM Update software has been enhanced to show the progress during the
update, as well as showing on-screen instructions and the LED patterns you will see on the
The CM Update software can be used in Pass-thru Mode or Storage Mode. Pass-thru Mode is
used when the GNA600 can be connected to the PC and vehicle at the same time. Storage
Mode is used when the GNA600 cannot be connected to the PC and vehicle at the same time.
Each CM Update software program is identified by its program ID, program part number,
vehicle specifics, and update description. An example is shown below.
During a control unit/module update, the vehicle battery voltage must
remain constant. Failure to maintain battery voltage can damage the vehicle’s
ECM/PCM. Before doing an update, test the vehicle’s battery and continue only if the
battery passes the test (see Honda Service Bulletin 88-023,
Battery Testing and
To help maintain battery voltage during the update, connect the battery to
a battery booster, and turn off all lights and accessories.