Wireless Presentation / Computing WID130
Teq AV/IT www.teqavit.com 7
After install the program, WPS-VideoPro shortcut will show on the desktop. Use this to project the screen to attached display.
For Mac OS, open AirPort icon and search for available Wireless Networks. Locate a network with SSID WPS or WiD130 and connect to it.
For Mac Operating system use the software installation utility WiD130_WPS-Utility_for_MacOS_2008_ _ _ .dmg cannot be downloaded
directly from WiD130, so it is provided on a USB-stick with the device. Check with your network or AV or Room administrator for that utility. If
Mac OS utlity for WiD130 is not provided on USB-stick or network drive, contact Teq AV/IT at +1-949-709-4040 or
Install Mac OS WiD130 utility on your Mac by double-clicking on WiD130_WPS-Utility_for_MacOS_2008_ _ _ .dmg file. Run that under Mac
OS 10.4 (Tiger) or 10.5 (Leopard) or higher and follow instructions on screen to install. To project the computer screen open application WPS
or click on the icon.
If you are unable to connect then Open DHCP settings in the AirPort setting (System Preference->Network->AirPort->Advanced->TCP/IP)