Test Equipment Nederland B.V. (C) Version 3.0 February 2008
Pagina 8
The corresponding checksum of the software.
The serial number of the smoke head.
Current date.
Calibration due date.
Calibration counter. After each calibration this counter automatically increments.
Dynamic test to check the low-pass filter-time constant. First a zero calibration is performed. After
this the EDA 2 checks the rise time from 0 till 90% opacity. Than the EDA displays ‘
time 1.00
’. This
value must be between 0,95 and 1,05 seconds. Normally the time is 1,00 seconds.
During this test the sample probe must be removed from the exhaust. Don’t influence the smoke
meter in any way!
Remark: the ‘STATUS’ menu is only used for checking purposes.
4 Official test
During the smoke test just press the Enter key to start the official test. The official test is a series of 3 free
accelerations to measure the maximum emission of a diesel vehicle.
First the EDA 2 performs a zero calibration. Be sure that during a zero calibration the sample is removed from the
exhaust tail pipe. After the zero calibration you insert the probe in exhaust of the vehicle.
Then the oil temperature is measured. The EDA 2 waits until a temperature of 60 ºC is reached. As soon as the
engine temperature reaches 60 ºC, the EDA automatically continues. If the temperature of 60 ºC is not reached or
you just want to continue, press the Enter key. Now the INNOVA 500 will proceed with the next program part.
After measuring the temperature the operator must be prepared to perform the free accelerations
Between each acceleration the operator can see a down counter of 6 seconds. During the count down the throttle of
the vehicle is not touched.
After the count down the INNOVA shows ‘THROTTLE UP’ which means that the operator has to press the pedal
completely until the maximum engine speed is reached. Maintain this situation for maximum 2 seconds. Then
release the pedal and let the engine speed come back to idle. The SMOKE METER light blinks.
After 4 seconds the INNOVA 500 shows ‘RELEASE THROTTLE’. These 4 seconds are the maximum throttle up
time for vehicle with a ‘slow’ engine (large commercial vehicles).
For passenger cars just maintain the maximum
engine speed for 2 seconds !
After each acceleration the EDA 2 displays the result of the test for 3 seconds. After this the INNOVA 500 starts a
new count down for the next acceleration.
After completing the official test, the EDA 2 shows the result of the test, the calculated average of the opacity of the
3 free accelerations, at the opacity display. If the result is out of limits, more than 50%, the display blinks.