Tempo Communications Inc.
1390 Aspen Way • Vista, CA 92081 USA • 800-642-2155
2.10 Save
Tapping the SAVE button instantly saves the spectrum curve with an automatically generated file name: the first letter
indicates the trace mode (“C” corresponds to NORMAL, “M” to MAXHOLD, “W” to CUMULATIVE, “A” to AVERAGE 2/4/8/16 and
“N” to MIN/MAXHOLD) and the remaining digits are the file order number.
SAVE button is not available if at least one full sweep has not been done with the current sweep settings.
Holding the SAVE button for a few seconds allows saving the current spectrum curve with a custom file name. The name
can be up to 8 characters long.
To increWhen assigning a custom file name, it is checked whether the name does not match with an
already existing one. In that case, it is not possible to confirm.
When saving, the continuous sweep is stopped and the saved curve is displayed on the graph, with the assigned
filename in the upper left corner. To close the file and resume real-time sweep, tap SWEEP CONT. If no buttons are pressed, the
real-time sweep is automatically resumed after 3 seconds. The saved spectrum curves can be reviewed at any time at TOOLS &
The SAVE button
File with automatically assign name