10. Heating Screen: The next step in the SOO will
be to start heating. Go to your Calibration
screen and subtract enough temperature to
the OAT to be below 54. You may need to wait
for the heating mode to turn
. The cooling
to heating switchover is a 10 minute timer. The
OAT must be below the high limit setpoint, the
OAT must be below the OAT heating setpoint
of 54°F to enable heating. When HTG shows
then the condition line will display
. The next three points are for the
modulation of heater. The heater will modulate
to maintain the SAT SP (default is 70°F). The
last line shows the status for the 10 minute
countdown timer for the cooling mode change
over to heating mode. On the very bottom of
the screen the type of heat is displayed.
You have completed the startup of the 100%
Outside Air unit. Before you leave make sure
all offsets you made in the Calibration screen
are set to zero. The LS1628u does not require an
Archive to save change made in the field. The
Archive is down automatically.
BAS and communicaton specific
Module status screen: network
information and device data
Module Status will allow you to get all the network
and system information for the controller. This
screen will help with trouble shooting any network
issues, show all shut down time stamps and any
system controller errors. On the new EQ2 does an
ALL-IN-ONE report when selected.
Quick Start Guide for Equipment Touch and LS-1628 Unit Controller, Standard 3.1.5 Program