Programming the "Full Access" PIN Number
The Guard has a programmable "Full Access" 4-digit PIN number (0000-9999) to allow users to ac-
cess the Set Limits option and Program sub-menu, and to confirm alarm conditions.
PIN number must be 4 digits and must not include a # sign.
1) From the Program Menu, press
to change the "Full Access" PIN.
2) You will hear the programmed PIN number.
3) You will hear “
Press 1 to change.”
4) Press
to make a change or 2
to return to the Program Menu.
5) You will hear “
Enter your pin number.”
6) Enter a four digit number.
7) You will hear the PIN number you just entered.
8) You will be automatically returned to the Program Menu.
Programming the "Acknowledge Only" PIN Number
The Guard has a programmable "Acknowledge Only” 4-digit PIN number (0000-9999) to allow users
to only to confirm alarm conditions.
PIN number must be 4 digits and must not include a # sign.
1) From the Program Menu, press
to change the "Acknowledge Only” PIN
2) You will hear the programmed PIN number.
3) You will hear “
Press 1 to change.”
4) Press
to make a change or
to return to the Program Menu.
5) You will hear “
Enter your pin number.”
6) Enter a four digit number.
7) You will hear the PIN number you just entered.
You will be automatically returned to the Program Menu.
Programming Reminder Calls
(default is disabled)
If a temperature is out of limits or a door remains open after the alarm has been acknowledged, the
Guard can make “reminder calls”. This feature alerts personnel that a problem still exists, and has
not been fixed. The reminder call delay can be programmed from 15 to 900 minutes.
1) From the Program Menu, press
2) You will hear "Alarm reminder is On"
3) You will hear “
Press 1 to change.”
4) Press
to change this setting to Off, or
to set the time.
5) You will hear "You will hear "Alarm reminder is On
6) Pressing 2 you will hear “
Callout time delay is xx minutes press 1 to change
(Default value is 60 minutes).
7) Press
to make a change or press
to not make a change.
8) You will hear “
Enter number then press pound
9) Enter the time delay in minutes (i.e. 120 for 2 hours).
10) You will hear the value you just entered.
11) You will be automatically returned to the Program Menu.
Programming Warning Message Repetitions
During callouts the Guard will repeat the local ID message and warning conditions a programmable
number of times (Default 1 repetition).
1) From the Program Menu, press
2) You will hear "
Warning Reminder is 1.
3) You will hear “
Press 1 to change.”
4) Press
to change this setting, or
to return to the Program Menu.
5) You will hear “
Enter number then press pound.
6) Enter the
number of times (0,1, or 2) that you would like the warning message repeated.
7) You will hear the value you just entered.
8) You will be automatically returned to the Program Menu.