AD630VoIP SIP 25W / PoE Horn
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14.2. Appendix 2: Use of the VLC Media Player software as a Multicast Encoder for audio files
With the free VLC sofware downloadable from
it is possible to turn your
Windows PC into an Encoder generator on a multicast IP address that can play a recorded audio file In WAV
format 8KHz-16 Bit mono. A file of any duration can be an announcement or a music compilation to be transmitted
as a background to all AD600 listening systems on one or more multicast transmission reserved addresses. To do
this, follow these steps:
1. Download the VLC program and install it on your Windows PC, the folder where the VLC program is installed is
located under C:/programmi (x86)/VideoLAN/
2. Record a WAV 8KHz-16Bit Mono audio file and copy it into the VideoLAN folder.
3. Create a file named "example.bat" as shown in the figure by entering the name of your audio file instead of the
one shown in the figure (audiomulti.wav). A copy of the generic "example.bat" file that it is possible to edit is into
the supplied CD.
4. Replace in the "example.bat" file the shown address ( with the Multicast address where you want
to stream audio, AD600 devices that have to play audio streaming must have set the same receive address on
the programming page reserved for multicast. The address shown in the example example file "example.bat" is
already a reserved multicast address and can be used in your application.
5. Leave unchanged as above all the rest of the string of the file "example.bat".
6. When you want to stream over the Multicast channel, double-click on the file "example.bat", the VLC program
will automatically opened and the contents of your "xxx.wav" file will be transmitted to all devices AD600 that will
play it on the loudspeakers.
7. To pause the streaming, click the Pause button VLC (appears instead of the PLAY button). To end the
streaming, close the VLC program.
It is possible to create several "xxx.wav", "xxx1.wav" audio files, which can be linked to as many as "example.bat",
"example1.bat" files, and then launch the announcement and/or music from time to time to stream audio to a
specific multicast IP address.
For more information on the VLC program, please refer to the manufacturer program guide.
Replace this text with the name of your .WAV
audio file recorded at 8KHz-16Bit Mono
Replace this text with the desired multicast IP
address, or keep the address shown and
configure it on AD600 devices