AD630VoIP SIP 25W / PoE Horn
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Adding Tema IP SIP Terminals
It is possible to add in configuration as many terminals you want. Into the main
screen of course it is always presented one at a time.
To switch from one system to the other just slide your finger horizontally on the
application display. By choosing "Add a Doorphone" you will see the following
The description appears in the displayed image and is useful to identify the
selected terminal from time to time.
In the address field you must enter the IP address of the terminal. It is used to
show the camera or to make a call in Peer-to-Peer.
The port number is used internally by the program for the communications. If
left blank, it will be automatically filled with the default (8081).
The extension number is the number that must be dialed when from the main screen is selected the call key.
Obviously it makes sense only in SIP registered to the PBX Server. In Peer-to-Peer mode this field cannot be filled.
Finally in the field SN you must enter the serial number of the device. For safety reasons, it is needed to enable the
opening keys for relay 1 and relay 2).
Edit / delete terminals
This feature of course allows to change the configuration of a terminal or to delete an
inserted one. Simply select from the list the one that you want to edit or delete:
Any changes must be confirmed with the "OK" button. The button "Cancel" or "Back"
does not save, useful in case of mistakes.
13.2. Using the application
Once that the application was activated, it is possible to check into the "Info" screen, in addition to the program
version, the registration status: