AD639SR VoIP SIP PoE Call Repeater
Pagina 22 di 31
Periodic activation from file:
it is possible to upload a text file in "csv" format (easily editable with "Excel") that contains, for each day of the year,
up to 5 times in which to make the announcement diffusion. To compile the file simply download the default one
already present (and empty), modify it and re-upload it.
Notice: do not change the written months, are used by the device to index itself in the document.
In the example it was indicated that on September 7 (of each year) message 1 should be reproduced at 09:00,
message 2 at 12:30 and message 3 at 17:30.
It is possible to program messages from 1 to 6, but the AD639SR system
only uses message number 1.
since the device does not have its own internal clock, the automatic diffusion of messages can take place only if it
is synchronized with a time server (which can be one into the local network or any other on the internet, see the
"Network parameters").