AD639SR VoIP SIP PoE Call Repeater
Pagina 18 di 31
9.6. Alarm input settings
In this page it is possible to program the behavior of the acquisition input of the external contact (Terminal 1-2 of
the 9-pole terminal block).
Function active
: indicates whether to monitor the status of the alarm input or not
DAY/NIGHT number
: IP address of the phone to contact in day or night mode when the alarm occurs.
number of call attempts (max 999).
separation, in seconds, between one call attempt and another (max 999).
is the minimum time, in seconds, before the input status change is evaluated. It can be used, for
example, to mask a door indicator left open after the visitor has entered. Assuming that the maximum time
that the pedestrian entrance must remain open is 30 seconds, only at the end of this time a warning
telephone call would be sent to the staff in charge.
Alarm stop code:
code to dial on the called telephone to accept and silence the alarm (max 3 digits).
Input inversion:
normally the contact is open and the alarm occurs when the contact is closed. Activating
this flag it is possible to instruct the device to behave in the opposite way (the contact is normally closed
and the alarm occurs at opening).
the activation of the input (of the contact connected to him) causes the broadcast of a pre-
recorded message on the local speaker before the call is made, see par.9.9.
The system can generate a VoIP call to alert, after triggering the alarm input contact (from auxiliary devices or from
a button made available in the vicinity) an appointed operator.
A prerecorded message is played back to the called party. It is possible to invert this logic, so the triggering of the
signaling can occur following the opening of the contact connected to the input.
AD639SR continuously monitors the status of the contact and in the event of activation it will begin to call the
person who will manage the situation detected on the programmed telephone number and reproduce the message
associated with the event. It is possible to define an acquisition / acknowledgment code for the alarm signal that the
person called must enter to inform the device of the taking of the alarm signal as notified. If the called number
proves to be busy or does not answer or in any other case where AD639SR does not receive the acquisition /
acknowledgment code anyway, at the end of each single call attempt it returns in stand-by and it is ready for a new
alarm notification.
When the AD639SR receives the acknowledgment code, the alarm condition signaling stops and no further
notification calls will be made. To be able to be triggered again the notification phase of an activation, the condition