ModemPCI G10
User Manual
6.2.2 Connecting to Internet
One of the following connecting types can be used in order to connect to the Internet
using the Modem PCI G10 modem:
GPRS. In this case, you have to know the APN, and sometimes user name and password;
CSD. In this case you have to know the phone number of the dial-up server.
: APN, user name and password are provided by the GSM operator.
In order to connect to the Internet, enter the required data in Connection window. In the
main MCT window click Settings → Connection. Enter connection data as shown below. To
save the entered data, click Update.
Before connecting to the Internet, check the GSM signal quality (see the indicator located
on the right side of the Modem Control Tool program). Also check if the Network indicator is
green. If the signal indicator shows low signal quality, place the modem to more open place,
where the signal will not be blocked by thick walls or ceilings. Placing the device near window
may also help.
Modem will start connecting to the Internet after the Connect symbol is clicked in the
main MCT window (if the APN, user name and password were entered correctly).
If the Modem PCI G10 modem connects to the Internet, red indicator denoted as
Disconnected on the left corner of MCT window turns green and will be denoted as Connected.