| Section 10
Dialing from the Phone Book
To use the phone book for dialing, press the Auto key on the front panel, or use the Auto tab of the Autodial webpage.
The phone book lists its entries by ‘screen name’ – the user friendly name that you entered when saving the contact
to the list. There is a space before each entry for a status icon. A filled circle shows that a Zephyr/IP is currently
online. An empty circle means that the directory server knows about the Zephyr/IP in question, but the codec is
offline. There is no icon for codecs that are unknown to the server, either because the Zephyr/IP has been offline for
more than six months (or renamed), or the entry is not using the directory server (for SIP, RTP, and direct-dialed
TSCP entries). On the webpage, this status is shown by highlighting the entry in green, red, or blue, respectively.
You can dial an entry from the front panel by selecting it from the list and then either pressing the main control
knob or by pressing the Auto key again. From the web page, select the entry from the list on the right hand side of
the Auto tab’s screen, and then click Call.
10.3 Call History
In the front panel’s History menu, all of your Z/IP ONE’s incoming and outgoing calls are kept in a list, arranged
by time, with the most recent calls first. Each entry in the list is preceded by an arrow. An arrow to the right (>),
pointing to the entry, means the call was from this Z/IP ONE, to the device indicated. An arrow to the left (<),
pointing to from the entry, means the call was from the other device, to this Z/IP ONE. A device name prefixed
with sip: or rtp: means that one of those two methods was used to connect. A lack of prefix indicates a TSCP call.
Outgoing calls can always be added to the phone book. Simply select the desired entry from the history list, and
then choose Save Selected. You will be taken to the now familiar phonebook entry page, as with the previous two
methods. You can instead choose to call the selected entry right out of the history list, without adding it to the
phone book first.
Incoming calls may also be added to the phonebook from the history list. For best results, the incoming call should
be from a Zephyr/IP using its device@group name from the ZIP Server’s directory service. Incoming calls from SIP
and RTP clients can also be added to the phone book, but special care must be taken to verify that the IP and port
combination can be used to connect to the codec that called. For these connections, it is worthwhile to attempt a
call before saving to the phone book.