EasyCon GSM
page 7.
TellSystem Communication
Description of SMS
For each input you may set a different sMs message and the phone numbers you wish to send them to. the sMs text message can
not be more than 32 characters long; use of special characters is not recommended.
Calendar of events
the module is capable of storing 16.000 events, which can be read out with the programming software. If you would like to use
this function, set the clock of the GsM module, because events will be time stamped accordingly.
Possible events: signals (input, power monitor), GsM status (GsM connected/disconnected), incoming calls with phone numbers.
the device stores signal strength and GsM status (connected/disconnected/roaming) for each event. You may prepare an access
identification and/or working hour management system by using the calling phone numbers.
Signal strength monitoring
the module constantly monitors signal strength, and saves the lowest signal strength data every hour. signal strength data can be
read out using the programme, where it is displayed as a graph. When performing maintenance you can check for constant signal
strength. the module is capable of storing signal strength data for the last 20 years.
SMS programming
the basic functions of the device can be programmed via sMs. the sMs text message needs to start with the security code fol-
lowed by the sMs command and parameter. one message can only contain one command. the default security code is
actual command is in bald type).
sMs command
security code change
XXXX = new security code, alphanumeric
Change or delete phone numbers
to be notified
tel1 = telephone number 1
tel8 = telephone number 8
tel = d, delete number
Installation settings
s= send sMs can be “1” or “0”
V = send VoICe message
these are the messages that belong to the phone numbers.
Activate output
Control output 1
In case of bistable output
switches on bistable output
In case of bistable output
switches off bistable output
Clock settings
hhmm=hours minutes e.g. 0509 5 o’clock 9 minutes
status enquiry
Device sends notification about its actual status.