EasyCon GSM
page 10.
TellSystem Communication
Other commands
In the
menu you may monitor and save GsM traffic. In case of defective operation, you should monitor error
and send it in email to our technical assistant who will of service.
In the
Functions/Module status
menu you may check module status. Input/output states and module error code are shown in real
time. the status of Contact ID sending is shown in error code.
Description/Circuit Diagram
menu shows the circuit diagram of the module in use, helping installation.
Basic Data
menu you may enter data concerning the installation, these can be saved in
File operations/save
, because these data
are not stored in the module. saving data for later use is recommended. the function does not save caller ID phone numbers and
recorded voices, only configuration settings.
The process of PC programming:
after powering up the module, connect the programming cable
if the name of the device shows click start
in the telephone tab enter the phone numbers you wish to notify, then fill in the other tabs
finally, transfer the configuration and save the settings by clicking the send button
if you wish to use the caller ID function, enter the telephone numbers in the caller identification tab
if you do not wish to use the factory default siren sound, upload your pre-recorded messages in the voices tab
finally, it is recommended to save the configuration in
File operations
, filling in the basic data.
Circuit diagram
Frequently asked questions and answers
Caller identification does not work:
Check with the service provider whether caller ID function is enabled in your module’s sIM
card. Check the caller ID function in the controller telephone. In the module’s settings “control with incoming call” needs to be
checked. Check if the phone numbers are stored on the sIM card.
ACT LED remains red after alarm:
Module cannot send message either because sIM card has run out of credit or incorrect
phone number has been entered. Check the sMs centre number of the module’s sIM card.