MA365 • Rev. A2
6325 Edge Node
[38] IEC 60068-2-2- Part 2: Tests. Tests B: Dry heat1974-01, 1993-02 (Amd. 1),
1994-05 (Amd. 2)
[39] IEC 60068-2-6- Part 2: Tests - Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal), 1995-03,
1995-03 (Corr. 1)
[40] IEC 60068-2-14- Part 2: Tests. Test N: Change of temperature, 1984-01,
1986-01 (Amd. 1)
[41] IEC 60068-2-27- Part 2: Tests. Test Ea and guidance: Shock, 1987-06
[42] IEC 60068-2-29- Part 2: Tests. Test Eb and guidance: Bump, 1987-03
[43] IEC 60068-2-30- Part 2: Tests. Test Db and guidance: Damp heat, cyclic (12
+ 12-hour cycle), 1980-01, 1985-01 (Amd. 1)
[44] IEC 60068-2-32- Part 2: Tests. Test Ed: Free fall (Procedure 1), 1975-01,
1990-10 (Amd. 2)
[45] IEC 60068-2-56- Part 2: Tests. Test Cb: Damp heat, steady state, primarily
for equipment,1988-12
[46] IEEE 802.3, Standard for Information technology - Telecommunications
and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan
area networks. Part 1D: Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges, 2000.
[47] ISO/IEC 8348, see: [X213]
[48] ISO/IEC 8473, see: [X233]
[49] ISO/IEC 8802-2, Information technology -- Telecommunications and in-
formation exchange between systems -- Local and metropolitan area net-
works - Specific requirements -- Part 2: Logical link control, 1998
[50] ISO/IEC 8802-3, Information technology -- Telecommunications and in-
formation exchange between systems -- Local and metropolitan area net-
works -- Specific requirements -- Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access
with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer
specifications, 1996
[51] ISO 9542, Information processing systems - Telecommunications and In-
formation exchange between systems - End system to Intermediate sys-
tem routing exchange protocol for use in conjunction with the Protocol
for providing the Connectionless-mode Network Service (ISO 8473), 1988
[52] ISO/IEC 10589, Information technology - Telecommunications and Infor-
mation exchange between systems - Intermediate system to Intermediate
system Intra-Domain routing information exchange protocol for use in
conjunction with the Protocol for providing the Connectionless-mode
Network Service (ISO 8473), 1992
[53] ANSI, T1.102, Digital Hierarchy - Electrical Interfaces, 1993
[54] ANSI, T1.102.01, Digital Hierarchy - VT1.5 Electrical Interface, 1996
[55] ANSI, T1.105, Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) - Basic Descrip-
tion including Multiplex Structure, Rates and Formats, 1995
[56] TELCORDIA, SR-332 Reliability Prediction Procedure for Electronic
Equipment, Issue 1, May, 2001