user’s guide
2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
Telmoss mobile
Running the application
Once the application is installed,
TelMoss mobile
icon can be found in the main
Program’s folder (as shown on the picture below):
Figure 5
After the application has been started, the screen shown on Figure 5 (B) appears:
close the application and return to main menu,
shows the program options as follows:
Figure 6
user’s guide
2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
Connection profiles
user can modify, add or delete connection profiles. Each profile
contains: profile name, telephone number and camera’s titles.
Figure 7
Phone number must be defined in order to make a call. It is highly recommended to
enter number in CCCAAANNNN where
CCC is country code
AAA is area code
NNNN is phone number
For example, to call phone number 123456 in Helsinki the sequence is +358 9 123456.
Making the call
In order to establish the connection with central Telmoss unit, for which the profile has
been previously defined,
menu item should be selected (Figure 6). Following
screens appear: