user’s guide
2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
To set the communication device (Modem/Line) select one from the pull-down list.
There are two different device types that can be used for communication between PC
and Telmoss.
Standard modem.
Uses standard, analog modem over fix phone line or
installed GSM device as modem (e.g. mobile phone) for communication in
CSD mode.
Direct cable.
Normally this device is listed as “Direct to COMx”. For that
purpose PC COM port must be connected direct with Telmoss C1 connector
(Figure 3, pos 4) using NULL modem cable. In that case maximum
communication speed is achieved.
For the details on other Profile parameters, please see Chapter
mobile/Connection profiles.
user’s guide
2004. Telital mobitel d.o.o. All right reserved.
Connecting to the server
If a profile is defined, it can be selected in the list among the others by pressing left
mouse button. Click the menu item
Connect to Server
or press icon
. Following
window pops up:
Figure 26
After 20-30 seconds, connection should be established and user has to enter the PIN
code in order to enter on-line menu:
If wrong PIN is entered, user has 2 more times to retry. Otherwise the connection is