DE910 Series Hardware User Guide
1vv0300951 Rev.9 – 2015-05-11
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Hardware Commands
Turning on the DE910 module
To turn on the DE910, the pad ON_OFF* must be tied low for at least 1 second and then
The maximum current that can be drained from the ON_OFF* pad is 0.1 mA.
A simple circuit to power on the module is illustrated below:
Initialization and Activation State
Upon turning on DE910 module, the DE910 module is not active yet because the boot
sequence of DE910 is still executing internally. It takes about 10 seconds to complete the
initialization of the module internally.
For this reason, it would be useless to try to access DE910 during the Initialization state as
below. The DE910 module needs at least 10 seconds after the PWRMON goes High to
become operational by reaching the activation state.