Picotrack 4G User Manual V1.2
Seite 24
Battery Disposal
The disposal or recycling of batteries is regulated by each European country. In each country, the
manufacturers, importers and users are responsible for proper disposal. The European
Community (EC) has issued two directives, 91/157/EEC and 93/86/EEC. These directives are
implemented by each member country of the EC independently and in a different way. In
accordance with these directives, the Picotrack batteries do not
contain dangerous substances.
The reaction products are inorganic and do not represent environmental risks once the
decomposition process has terminated.
General Terms and Conditions
All information in this documentation has been carefully assembled and checked but should not
be considered as a guaranteed feature set. The copyright of the related documentation is with
Telic AG Telematik Produkte und Lösungen.
The Telic Logo and the terms Telic, and Telic Picotrack are brands of Telic AG Telematik Produkte
und Lösungen.
All further names and terms used can be brands or registered brands of their respective owners.
Telic reserves the right to change the included information without notice and doesn’t take
responsibility for errors in the document and/or missing information.
Document History
Rev. 1.0
First draft on new layout
Rev. 1.1
Inserted new pictures
Rev. 1.2
Added “Configuring a device”
chapter (m.essert)
Table 10: Document History