Digital messages other than the
telephone number
Instead of leaving his telephone number,
the caller can leave another digital
message. For example, you can agree with
your wife/husbond that digital code 111
means you should buy some milk on the
way home.
Instructions on your business
On the back of your business card, you
can write down brief instructions on how
to page you. For example, you can use the
following text:
To page me, dial 0746-<give your paging
number for numeric paging> from a tone-dial
telephone. Wait for the recorded message and
then dial the number (including area code)
which you want me to ring. Finish with #.
Wait for the recorded message saying that
paging is in progress, and then hang up. I will
then call you.
You can also send a text message. Our
switchbord operator <give telephone number>
will gladly help you send a message to my
pager on the following number <give your
paging number for alphanumeric paging>.
Paging number in telephone
If you wish, you can have your paging
number included in the telephone
directory. Call TeleMedia customer
service on 020-91 00 36.
Special Minicall Services
The Minicall system and Telia Mobitel
also offer Mobilsvar (=Voice Mailbox),
Repeterad sökning (=Repetition) and
Meddelandelagring (=Message Storing)
services. Talk to your dealer or call Telia
Mobitel’s Customer Service for companies
on 90 350 for more information.
If you have any questions on your
Minicall subscription, call Telia Mobitel’s
Customer Service for companies on
90 350.
If you have any questions on your
Minicall pager, call Teli Service on
020-72 00 95.