H30EVOLUTION handheld DVB meter /
2.4.1.- Info
Using this function of the App, the user can see
the App information, as well as the H30Evolution
whenever it is connected to the App.
2.4.2.- Manual
Using this funtions, the user manual will be
displayed in the App
When the H30Evolution is
connected, the icon is green
App info
2.4.3.- Register
The user can register his H30Evolution using this
The first time that you turn your H30Evolution
on, it will ask you to register it. If you register your
H30Evolution within 30 days, you will get two
options (valued in 200€) for free.
If you press BACK, you can use your H30Evolution.
If you press OK, it will begin the registration
The user can choose to use his / her mobile phone
to read the QR code, or use the Register function
of the H30Evolution App (note, the mobile device
wich the app is running on, must have access to
the internet).
i)If you use your mobile phone, read the QR code
using the camera. Then a web browser will be open
with the Televes Meter Registration web page. Re-
gister your H30Evolution in our web. Once the pro-
cess is completed, you will get a PIN code by email.
Enter the PIN code in your H30Evolution: