© 2008 TeleType Co.
- 2 -
2D View 72
- 3 -
3D View 72
- A -
Arrival time 60
AutoZoom 70
- B -
Bird's eye view 72
Bridge clearance 81
- C -
Car adapter 94
Caution 4
Change destination 94
Clear route 43
Create a my point 48
Create a route from home
- D -
Day Mode 74
Disclaimer 4
Distance to go 60, 76
Driving preferences 60
DTG 76
- E -
Edit a my point 51
Elevation 45
English 56, 64
Estimated time of arrival
ETA 76
- F -
Find a my point 33
Find a POI 27
Find a street address 34
French 64
- G -
GPS information 45
GPS position 45
GPS satellites 45
GPS settings 45
GPS status 45
- H -
Hazmat 81
Heading 45, 60
History 42
Hours 66
© 2008 TeleType Co.
WorldNav Navigation Software
- I -
Info 77
Information 77
Intersection 22
- L -
Latitude 45
Longitude 45
- M -
Main menu 8, 11
Main menu buttons 8, 11
Map Information 77
Mark current position 48
Mark my point 48
Metric 56
My Point 33, 48, 51
- N -
Navigation panel 60
Navigation panel
preferences 60
Night Mode 74
No power 94
- O -
Odometer 60, 76
- P -
POI 27
POI display 63
POI routing 27
Position is off 94
Power up device 94
- Q -
Quickest route 58
- R -
Repeat a route 42
Replacement fuse 94
Reroute 43
Restrictions 81
Road Color 12, 81
Route 14
Route preferences 58
Route to 14
Route to a POI 27
Route to a street address
Route to an intersection
Route via ferry 58
- S -
Satellite info 60
© 2008 TeleType Co.
Set home address 14
Set office address 14
Set Time 66
Set voice 64
Setting POI preferences
Shortest route 58
Show true location 94
Simon 64
Simulating a Route 79
Simulation 79
Simulator 79
Spanish 64
Speed 45, 60, 76
Streets aren't labeled 94
Susan 64
System of units 56
- T -
Time 60, 66, 76
Time Zone 66
Timer 45, 60, 76
Trip information 76
Troubleshoot 94
Truck Routing 81
Truck Settings 81
- U -
Units 56
updates 81
- V -
Voice 64
Voice preferences 64
- W -
Warning 4
Welcome 6
Windshield mount 94
- Z -
Zoom 14, 70
Zoom In 14
Zoom Out 14