HouseControl E+ Installation Manual
3.14 Security Keypad
A security keypad is available as an accessory. Install the security keypad in the entrance hall in a place
where it can be used easily. The operating mode (is monitoring on or off?) is displayed by the signal light
on the security keypad. Make sure the signal light is not visible from outside.
Connect the RJ connector to the
security keypad.
Attach the security keypad to a wall
in entrance hall.
Hide the excess of the cable.
Connect the security keypad to the
GA and Ind1 connectors as depicted
in the separate wiring diagram.
Note! Because the key reader on the security keypad uses radio frequencies, you should avoid placing it
near cables or devices that cause electromagnetic fields (contactors).
Security keypad is preprogrammed in such way that nine keys can be used for changing the operating
mode (alarm on/off). Installer’s key cannot be used for this purpose. Operating mode can also be
changed by using a secret code. The codes are attached to the installer’s key.
To program security keypad (for example, if you want to change individual codes), you need installer’s
key and installer’s code 1234.
Do not change the installer code because if installer’s proximity key
is lost, you cannot program the security keypad anymore
. Keep the installer’s key in a safe place
away from the sun light.
To change monitoring on, bring one of the proximity keys in front of the keypad momentarily, OK light will
flash. The round LED light starts blinking and when exit delay is over it stops blinking and stays lighted
(monitoring is on). If you want to cancel operating mode change during the exit delay, you can use your
key as described. The OK light flashes and the round LED light goes off. Tip! You can silence the siren
by using a proximity key without changing the operating mode.
To change operating mode with code:
1. Press
2. Key in the four digit user code
3. Press