Pathfinder DVL Guide
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 143
the command is given to the Pathfinder to start pinging, TF is tested for validity. If valid,
the Pathfinder sets its alarm clock to TF, goes to sleep, and waits until time TF before
beginning the data collection process.
If the exact time of the first ping needs to be on November 23, 2013 at 1:37:15 pm, enter
TF13/11/23, 13:37:15. If the Pathfinder should begin pinging immediately after receiving
the CS command (see notes), do not enter a TF command value.
1. Although a TF command may be sent to the Pathfinder, the CS command also must be sent
before deploying the Pathfinder.
2. If the entry is not valid, the Pathfinder sends an error message and does not update the
wake-up time.
3. Sending a <BREAK> clears the TF time.
4. The delimiters are optional, and may be spaces.
TP – Time Between Pings
Sets the minimum time between pings.
= 00 to 59 minutes
= 00 to 59 seconds
= 00 to 99 hundredths of seconds
Set as needed.
The Pathfinder interleaves individual pings within a group so they are evenly spread
throughout the ensemble.
During the ensemble interval set by TE, the Pathfinder transmits the number of pings set
by the WP and BP commands (see
). TP determines the spacing between the pings. If TP = 0, the Path-
finder pings as quickly as it can based on the time it takes to transmit each ping plus the
overhead that occurs for processing. Several commands determine the actual ping time
, and ac-
tual water depth).
TP00:00.10 sets the time between pings to 0.10 second.
The Pathfinder automatically increases TE if (WP x TP) > TE.