Trace Oxygen Analyzer
Figure 3-5: Analog Output Connections
The outputs are:
0–1 VDC % of Range: Voltage rises linearly with increasing oxygen,
from 0 V at 0 % to 1 V at full scale. (Full scale
= 100% of programmable range.)
0–1 VDC Range ID:
0.25 V = Low Range, 0.5 V = Medium Range,
0.75 V = High Range, 1 V = Air Cal Range.
4–20 mA DC % Range: (-M Option) Current increases linearly with
increasing oxygen, from 4 mA at 0 % to 20 mA
at full scale. (Full scale = 100% of
programmable range.)
4–20 mA DC Range ID: (-M Option) 8 mA = Low Range, 12 mA =
Medium Range, 16 mA = High Range, 20 mA =
Air Cal Range.
The analog output signal has a voltage which depends on the
oxygen concentration AND the currently activated analysis range. To
relate the signal output to the actual concentration, it is necessary to
know what range the instrument is currently on, especially when the
analyzer is in the auto-ranging mode.
The signal output for concentration is linear over the currently
selected analysis range. For example, if the analyzer is set on a range
that was defined as 0–10 % O
, then the output would be as shown in
Table 3-1.