March 2018
rapidCAST User’s Guide
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
4. Connect the Tension cable between the Control Module and Winch. The Tension connector is lo-
cated under the belt side cover.
5. Connect the LevelWind PROX sensor cables between the Control Module and Winch. The Level-
Wind1 connector is located under the motor side cover; the LevelWind2 connector is located un-
der the belt side cover.
6. Use Figure 12 to re-install the winch assembly covers.
7. Connect the Control cable between the Control Module and Interface Module.
8. Connect the Antenna cable between the Control Module and Interface Module. Connect the Patch
antenna to the Control Module (larger vessels use Figure 14). Alternately, you can connect the
Omni antenna directly to the Interface Module and omit using the 9002211 cable (smaller vessels
use Figure 15).
9. Connect the AC power cable to the Control Module.
Do not connect the 9000783 USB cable to PC computer until the rapidCAST Interface
software is installed and the system is powered up. See
Connecting the Winch to a PC
The Processor connector on the Control Module is not used for normal operation. Keep the
dust cap installed.
Figure 14.
rapidCAST Cable Connections (Large Vessels)