Telect, Inc. • USA +1.509.926.6000 • 52.33.3836.37.52 • © 2010 Telect, Inc., All Rights Reserved, 126254-4 A0.1
Page 4-35
Chapter 4: Fiber Installation
4.1 Fiber Installation Overview
WARNING! Fiber cables transmit invisible infrared light. To avoid eye damage or blind-
ness, never look directly into fibers or connectors.
Fiber installation involves splicing, storage, and patching using LCX Splice & Patch Panels.
Splicing begins with installation of the IFC at the rear of the LCX Fiber Splice Panel.
Each stranded or ribbon IFC subunit contains up to 12 fibers and each LCX splice tray handles
up to 24 splices (two subunits of fiber.)
Pairs or groups of tubes containing stranded or ribbon fiber enter the designated tray at one of
the four corners (with one of the other corners reserved for corresponding fibers originating from
network elements).
For 1RU splice trays, the tubes from the IFC or cables from the network elements are wound
twice around a set of arcs and then tied down to the floor of the tray. All fiber storage is on
the tray.
For 2RU, 3RU, and 4RU splice trays, the IFC and cables originating from the network ele-
ments are tied down near the front of the splice tray. The unprotected strands or ribbon from
the tied-down tubes and cables are wound several times around the two spools on the tray.
One of the spools is for the strands or ribbon from the IFC and the other for the network ele-
ment leads. The bottom of 2RU, 3RU, and 4RU LCX Fiber Splice Panels is used for storing
coils of excess tubes and cables.
The loose ribbon or strands are then spliced (interconnected) with the resulting splices placed in
one of two, 12-place splice holders on the tray.
LCX Fiber Patch Panels can be used to either interconnect or cross-connect network elements.
The panels are typically used to interconnect IFC splices from the LCX Fiber Splice Panel to
network elements, to interconnect one system of network elements to another, as in a
demarcation, or to cross-connect network elements within the same system.
In all cases, pigtails (connected leads) from the splice panel or jumpers from the network
elements are connected to adapters on one side of the patch panel’s bulkhead. Corresponding
adapters on the other side of the bulkhead are used for interconnecting or cross-connecting
complementary network element pigtails, jumpers, or patch cords.
Pigtails/jumpers/patch cords can enter the LCX Fiber Patch Panel at any of the four corners.
Plastic rings or arcs guide the pigtails/jumpers/cords to the designated adapter.