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Telect, Inc. • USA +1.509.926.6000 • 52.33.3836.37.52 • © 2010 Telect, Inc., All Rights Reserved, 117200-4 A0
1.4.2 Connecting Input Power
DANGER! Before connecting input power cables, SHUT DOWN PDF (Primary Distribution
Frame) POWER to the circuits feeding the KLM-PDP. Remove or lock out the PDF circuit
breakers, or verify that the PDF fuse positions are open. Failure to do so can result in haz-
ardous conditions!
Input power cables connect the KLM-PDP to the PDF. The cables must support 125% of
the rated, continuous load current of the equipment powered by the KLM-PDP fuses. The
maximum continuous load is 200 amps per side.
Keep plastic contact covers in place when
not changing leads.
1. Make sure the input power is OFF.
2. Construct BATT and RTN cables for both A and B input power circuits. Use properly rated ca-
bles and two-hole compression lugs. The cables may require 45° or 90° lugs.
3. Insulate the lug barrels with UL94V0-rated
heat shrink tubing, as shown. It may be
necessary to cover the lug inspection hole
with the tubing.
4. For assistance, refer to the operating com-
pany’s installation procedures.
5. Locate the two input power terminals (Input
A and Input B) on the KLM-PDP backplane.
6. Remove the black plastic terminal covers,
and remove the knockout if using 45°
or 90° lugs.
7. Remove any sharp edges.
8. Use a coarse, non-metallic cleaning pad to
clean the contact areas of the compression
lugs and the input power terminal.
9. If required by the operating company’s installation procedures, use anti-oxidant compound
between the cable compression lugs and the input BATT and RTN terminals. Secure the input
cables to the lugs.
10. Re-install the terminal block covers.
Input Power
Terminal Block
Figure 3 - Power connection