Instructions myintercom Plus IP video door intercom
User management
Press “Add” to create a new user or tap an
existing user name, to change the settings for
this user.
User name and password will automati-
cally be filled in. Enter a "Name " for easier
user identification at a later stage. It is not
possible to "Save " without entering a name.
Make a note of the access data displayed here
("User" and "Password"). You will need this
information for app configuration of the video
door intercom. See the next chapter "Adding
video door intercom devices" to learn how to
do so. In case your device is a myintercom Plus
door intercom station with door bell ,
please select the bell button you wish to
assign to the user. The myintercom One does
not provide this option, as it only comes with
a single bell button. The user receives a push
notification, as soon as the corresponding bell
button is pressed. Each user may be assigned to
exactly one bell button. Consequently, each bell
button will be configured as a separate myinter-
com system. Should a user wish to be notified
for more than one bell button, multiple users
need to be created and multiple door intercom
devices need to be configured on the user’s
device (one per bell button). Tap "Save "
to assign this user to the video door inter-
com. Tapping "Delete " will delete the user
selected from this video door intercom. A
deleted user no longer has access to the video
door intercom. Tap "Change " to change the
user‘s password. A new random password will
be generated and saved in the camera. Please
enter the newly generated password into the
user’s smartphone or tablet. Click “Send via
e-mail “ to send an e-mail with the currently
displayed user data.