GHN-AT-PROG-UPLC-3-SLOPE Reference Manual
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PLC Test Control Center Overview
The PLC Test Control Center GUI provides one device panel for each device connected to the system. Up to
nine devices may be controlled through this GUI.
When the user connects any Telebyte device to the system, click Refresh in the lower-right corner of the
interface to update the device panels.
Multiple sessions of the GUI and/or CLI utilities are not allowed.
GUI Screen Examples
All active devices connected to the system display a Device# on the top of the device panel. All others
are grayed out.
Click on the dropdown to the right of a device’s channel to select the attenuation value for that channel.
Click in the Slope filter checkbox to the right of the attenuation dropdown to turn the Slope Filter for
that channel on or off.
One device is connected to the system in the example above. The attenuation level and slope filter state for each
channel is shown.