A.3 Connecting to the device
A.3.1 Connecting using the local console (Conf connector)
The ATLAS 60 NW router has a RJ45 female connector on the front panel known as “ Conf .”, which provides access
to the device local console.
Fig. 39:
Conf connector
In order to configure this, you must connect the “ Conf.” port to an asynchronous terminal (or to a PC with terminal
The configuration for the terminal must be:
- Eight data bits.
- Speed: 9600 bps.
- One stop bit.
- No parity bit.
- No type of flow control.
Connection to the configuration port can be carried out using the RJ45 connectors cable, supplied together with the
device, and the RJ45 Female-DB9 Female adapter (also provided).
Fig. 40:
Connecting for Configuration
A.4 Connectors
Teldat S.A.
Technical Information
ATLAS 6x/i6x NW Router