The RSA306B and RSA306B-SMA are portable, 40 MHz Real-Time
Spectrum Analyzers that contain an acquisition system inside a small
module. The user interface and display resides on a user-provided PC
running SignalVu-PC software or a user-developed application. The
host PC provides all power, control, and data signals over the USB 3.0
cable included with the instrument. An available software application
programming interface is provided to allow you to create your own
custom signal processing application.
Figure 1: RSA306B Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer
Lock the USB cable to the instrument by carefully hand
tightening the USB connector thumb screws to maintain a reliable
connection. These screws can easily be misaligned and can damage the
instrument if the screws are cross-threaded. To limit the exposure of
cross-threading the screws, you can keep the USB cable attached to the
RSA, even while moving or transporting the instrument.
RSA306B and RSA306B-SMA Installation and Safety Instructions