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Summary of Contents for 7L5


Page 2: ...on of Te ktro nix Inc Products of Te ktro nix Inc an d its s u bsidiaries are covered by U S and foreig n pate nts and or pe nd ing patents TEKTR O NIX ΤΕΚ SCOPE MOBILE and are registered trademarks of Tektronix I nc TE L EQ UI P ΜΕΝΤ is α registered trademark of Tektron ix U K Limited Pri nted i n U S A Specification and price change privileges are reserved ...

Page 3: ...ning 5 1 Tune Reference Ν Loops 2 13 Lubrication 5 2 Α Β Oscillator and Control 2 14 Visual Inspection 5 2 1st LO 1st LO Lock 2 15 Transistor and Integrated Reference Level Readout and Circuit Checks 5 2 Timeslot 2 15 Troubleshooting 5 2 Readout and Timeslot Decode 2 18 Troubleshooting Aids 5 2 IF Processing Chain 2 19 Finding Faulty Semiconductors 5 3 Variable Resolution 2 20 General Troubleshoot...

Page 4: ...Fig 1 1 71 5 Spectrum Analyzer REV Α ΜΑΥ 1978 ...

Page 5: ... microprocessin g circuits decode control setti ngs process display may be bisected by an averaging th res hold a bove freque ncy an d reference level information a nd optimize which video peak detection occurs p rior to storage and swee p time an d resolution for th e selected frequency below wh ich video signal averaging occurs prior to s pan At turn on the 71 5 is preset to α reference level of...

Page 6: ...ument is performin g withi n its specified limits Section 4 Calibratio n Procedure Test equ ipment setup and adjustment procedures required to calibrate the instrument Section 5 Maintenance Describes routine an d cor Accuracy rective maintenance procedures with detailed instructions for replacing assemblies sub assemblies or individual 20 C to 30 C 5 Hz 2 χ 10 6 of dot readout components An explod...

Page 7: the I NPUT BUFFER off the V ID EO ΡΕΑΚ AVG at max cw and the ΤΙΜΕ DIV set to 10 seconds Equivalent Input Noise Resolution equal to or better than Bandwidth L1 L2 L3 10 Hz 135 dBm l 35 dBm 30 Hz 133 dBm 133 dBm 100 Hz 130 d Bm 130 dBm 300 Hz 125 dBm 125 dBm 1 kHz 120 dBm 120 dBm 3 kHz 115 d Bm 115 dBm 10 kHz l 10 d Bm 110 dBm 30 kHz 105 dBm 105 dBm ΝΟΤΕ l 48 dBV 146 dBV 143 dBV 138 dBV 133 d BV ...

Page 8: ...the mainframe Trigger Source left or right vertical Log 70 dBm 70 dBm 70 d Bm to amplifiers a re used 10 dB Div to 21 d Bm 81 d BV to 21 dBm 50 Ω 21 d Bm 81 d Bm to 10 d BV 10 dBm 600 Ω When LINE is selected ac cou pled sam ple of main 83 dBV to frame line voltage is used 8 d BV H i Ζ Incremental Accuracy When calibrated at 40 dBV in Log mode L1 L2 and L3 Within 0 2dB d B with cumulative error of ...

Page 9: ...rom α local Tektronix Field Office or is operati ng correctly and it will satisfy most receiving or representative incomi ng inspection requirements If the instru ment specification is to be verified refer to the Performance Check procedu re i n th is manual Physical Characteristics Net weight i nstru ment only 8 pou nds 12 ounces ACCESSORI ES AND OPTIO NS Refer to the Replaceable Mechanical Parts...

Page 10: ... of heavy co rrugated 30 120 cardboard or wood with inside dimension s at least six 120 140 inches g reater than the inst rument dimensions Th is will 140 160 allow room for cush ioning Refer to Table 1 1 for carton test strength requ ireme nts 2 Wrap the instrument i n heavy paper or polyethylene sheeti ng to protect the instrument finish Protect the front panel with urethane foam or cardboard st...

Page 11: ...15 7 MHz The frequency of the IF Processing Chain 1O b main oscillator is controlled by two secondary Α and Β oscillators that use α synthesizer technique to tune and This block diagram shows mo re detail of the circu itry phase lock thei r frequencies The sweep frequency con involved with processi ng the I F sig nal from the 1st mixer trol ci rcuit drives the oscillators accord ing to the setting...

Page 12: ...e REFERENCE LEVEL control is pu lled out for 10 dB steps the counter Sweep Control and Frequency Reference Οα counts i n te ns instead of digits When LI N mode isselected or the dBm dBV switch on the plug in module is changed The Sweep Control circuit uses an IC th at features the readout changes the Reference Level Counter so the sweep gati ng brig ht baseli ne holdoff timi ng automatic crt refer...

Page 13: ...and FREQUENCYSPAN DIV selectors are both printed circuit switches that feed their output into R OMs The ROMsthen Frequency Control Circuits control the frequency span and resolution bandwidth of As previously described instrument and provide readout d ata to the circuit The two divide by Ν Νι and Νz control loops with their oscillators determine the fre RESOLUTION selector has α COUPLED position w...

Page 14: ...y Reference circuit is provided by the Sweep Control and F requency Reference Βlock Diagram 1 α in the Diagrams section The 10 MHz of the crystal oscillator or Master Oscillator freq uency is d ivided down to 100 kHz and 500 kHz by two counters 100 kHz is fed to one i nput of α phase comparator for the Α oscillator loop It is also divided down to 10 kHz for app lication to one input of α phase com...

Page 15: ...illator frequen cy is swept The frequency of 000 reference level of 17 dBm and Display sweep horizontal voltage is applied th rough an attenuator Α Display Β store modes when power is applied and binary switch to α summi ng poi nt eithe r in the Α Readout memory or Β memory reference voltage line The FRE Αblock diagram ofthe Readout circu its is shown in Fig QUENCY SPAN DIV selector sets the amoun...

Page 16: ...nd displayed at the command of Display Α At the slower sweep speeds there are numerous words and Display Β selectors Before the vertical data is placed of vertical data for each h orizontal address location These in memory it may be either averaged or peak detected numerous words of vertical data are averaged by the Vertical data is placed at an address in memory derived average calculator so with...

Page 17: ...iming signal from t he vertical analog to digital converter DETAILE D CI RCUIT DESCRI PTION bloc k controls when data is read from memory Data can only be read during the Read Cycle When either Disp lay Α Sweep Control 3 Ο Ο or Display Β is selected the d isplay control block sends α Store signal to both the vertical and horizontal display This portio n of t he circuit descri ption covers the Auto...

Page 18: ... modate ROM 0650 in the Freq uency Span circu it terminate the sweep gate Unless Manual sweep has been selected the sweep ramp is also fed th roug h multiplexer U680B to operational amplifier U685A Gai n of U685A is The outputs of the ΤΙΜΕ DIV and FREQUENCY about 1 2 producing an output ramp of approximately 10 4 S PAN DIV selectors are Da rli ngton pairs whic h pull down volt This ramp is fed to ...

Page 19: ...ur output lines Three of thewaveform U675B anon inverting amplifier d rivesthe these 1 Α 1 Β and 2 drive the Αand Β oscillators which negative input of operational amplifier U675A As the establish the frequency span The fourth line is for sweep ramp crosses its center point d iode CR660 dis optional use if desired the address within the IC symbols connects and the polarity of the input signal to t...

Page 20: ...un less it is moved by the DOT MKR ramp FRED SPAN DIV MAX 2 MHz 1 MHz 50 kHz 20 kHz 10 kHz 5 kHz 2 kHz 1 kHz 5 kHz 2 kHz 1 kHz 50 Hz 0 Hz TABLE 2 3 Input Data to the Frequency Span ROMS U515 FRED SPAN DIV FRED SPAN DIV SWITCH Ι INPUTS TC TJ TB ΤΚ TD Ι Α8 Α7 Α6 Α5 Α4 MAX 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 MHz 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 MHz 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 50 kHz 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 20 kHz 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 10 ...

Page 21: ...frequen cy changes or at th e end of sweep d omai n displays Lock Pu lse is gated through U560B to When Lock Pulse and Trigger In h ib it terminate the trigger one s hot multivibrator U590 B The Q output of positive goi ng edge of Lock Pulse triggers o ne shot U590B now provides Trigger Inhibit for sweep control IC multivibrator U590A The output from U590A is inverted U580 Th is output is also fed...

Page 22: ...atches t he outp ut low Th is low inh ibits NAN D gate U600 D so the output of comparator U600 Β is not gated Pressing the front panel SGL SWP button activates Sgl th rough Th is allows α or Trigger signal from the Swp line andtheoutputs of U550Aand U550Bswitch high mainframe to be gated th roug h U600 C to sweep control This high fed back to the inputs pi ns 9 and 11 of U550C IC U580 latch the ou...

Page 23: ...ts Q621 is on to pull 12 4 MHz count down is fed back to reset the counters Free Run an d Norm lines low Th is gates the output of Th is process repeats until lock pulse goes away U555C high and the resultant RPRP power up line sets the digital storage latches for Display Α Display Β not The operation of the Tune Referen ce Β Ν loop for Max hold or Save Α the tu ning to coarse and switches the the...

Page 24: ...ontrol symbol The count up or down reference The output of the comparator is gated throug h is determined by an exclusive OR gate in U830 The U l80 when Lock Pu lse or C Wis asserted Output pi n s 11 counter i n U830 can be loaded some Ν number Ν and 13 are connected across two d iodes in CR 178 wh ich se rial in however wh en instrument power co mes up α connect to memory capacitor C180 U 180 d i...

Page 25: ...ntrol IC j ustments R345 R325 set the sweep amplitude and the U2235 and changes the output add ress data to the gain frequency span of the oscillators ROM U2265 to establish display mode and dynamic range Column current for the reference level readout is su pplied by the IC 02235 1st LO 1st LO Lock 10 The 1st LO freque ncy is mixed with the Α oscillator The row and column cu rrent circuitry for th...

Page 26: ... the drives the 1 dB line and asserts 1 dB of gain change in the gate from Log 10 dB switch is high for the 2 dB Div I F when low B its 2 th roug h 80 d rive the R OM U2265 mode U2320C is an open collector IC with its pull up which controls the gain and attenuation in the I F and p lug resistor connected to the output of U2225C The output of in modu le The cross over poi nt of the reference level ...

Page 27: ...122 123 00110011 124 00100011 125 127 00000011 128 131 11010100 132 11110100 133 135 11110010 126 137 00001000 138 139 00011000 140 10001100 141 143 11110010 144 10001100 145 146 10011100 147 10001000 148 00011101 149 151 11110010 152 153 00001001 154 155 00011001 156 10001101 157 159 11110010 160 10001101 161 162 10011101 163 10001001 164 00011110 165 167 11110010 168 169 00001010 170 171 0001101...

Page 28: ...NC 100 μΑ SKP NC 400 μΑ 0 9 NC 400 μΑ 0 9 NC 100 00 μ A 200 μΑ 0 9 N C 400 μΑ 600 μ A NC 400 μΑ d S KP N C NC 100 μΑ 700 μ A NC 400 μΑ Β SKP NC 300 μΑ 600 μΑ 100 μ A 200 μΑ TABLE 2 6 The Column Data 1 current for TS 2 writes either α o r symbol The curre nt for this readout symbol is controlled by two FET s Q2345 02350 When the Variable control is out of its CAL detent the Var li ne is high Q2350 ...

Page 29: ...filter some contain an am plifier e g L3 and the 1st different i nput impedance selections of the plug i n mixer The output from the mixer is 10 7 MHz I F module This 10 mV is not the peak to peak value of the sq uare wave output signal from the counter U395 but 10 mV as i ndicated by the spectrum analyzer The peak Referri ng to Ref Cal 10 7 MHz I F 2 nd Mixer 2nd LO to peak value would be 2 2 Χ 1...

Page 30: ...α fu nction of span is α feature of each stage i ncreases α calibrated 1 dB It is still α function of the Gain com pensation maintai ns α constant output level as VARiable control the bandwidth c hanges Th e sig nal level at ΤΡ1800 is about 2 V pea k to peak forfull screen display in 10 dB div mode Reference level forthe differential amplifier is set by the p lug in module front panel AMPL CAL adj...

Page 31: ... offset the added 8 dB of attenua Q1680 that is summed with the output current of Q1670 to tion th roug h the plug in module mai ntain α constant i nput drive current for the second operatio nal amplifier stage Q1710 Q1720 Gain from the 1st to the 2nd stage is determi ned by the ratio of R 1728 to R 1674 sothe drive level to the next crystal is α 2 V peak to peak signal for full screen deflection ...

Page 32: ...rthe 2 dB Div display or α linear display for L in mode It consists of an input Gai n of the first th ree stages is switched in 20 dB amplifier and four similar am plifier stages that provide increments i n the LI N and 2 dB Div modes Gain li near or logarithmic gain ch aracteristics The non linear switchi ng logic comes in on th e Χ 10 and Χ100 pins 3 and or log gain characteristic for the 10 dB ...

Page 33: ... selects either Store Horiz synthesized sweep from d igital storage circu it whe n Store l ine istrue ortheanalog The Average Calculator an d Digital Storage circuit sweep ramp at pi n 3 when Store is false The selected boards for instruments with SN Β070000 and up have one sweep is then applied th roug h FET Q735 when Dot is Digital Storage board i n place of t he Average Calculator false to i np...

Page 34: ...el register 04100 i n the divide circuit At the beginni ng of shifters U4085B U4080A U4085A to raise the logic level Start Divide the data in the counters is loaded into shift to α hig h of 15 volts registers As soon as one shot U4160A times out the latches and counters are reset They are now ready to start accu mulati ng newdata while the old data in the n umerator accumulator is divided by the a...

Page 35: ...the Math Out line Write Cycle sets flip flop U4060A to enable U4075C Digital Storage SN Β069999 and below Ζ1 Data will now pass through into U4070A for one cycle Th is establishes an in itial data value i n register U4070Afor The description for th is circuit is grouped into the comparison with new data so the peak can be selected At followi ng main sub sections derivation of the conversion the en...

Page 36: ...nator Β 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Summatio n Σ 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 11 3 Numerator Α 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Denominator Β 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Summation Σ 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 Numerator Α 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 De n ominator Β 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Sum mation 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 11 5 N umerator Α 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Denominator Β 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 j 0 Summatio n 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 11 6 N umerator Α 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 Denomin ator Β 0 0...

Page 37: ...mator 1ΜΗτ CLΚ U4506 EOC EOC SYNC PULSE SYNC CLK SYNC PULSE U4506 counts up u ntil the converted 8 bit word produces an output current out of D Αconverter U4504 eq ual to the current throug h R4528 On the 9th clock th e word is loaded into the register U4506 and EOC triggers the D flip flop U4510B as described previously The converted d igital word then goes ουt οη Data Outline durin g the next co...

Page 38: ...rizontal address at p in 3 of U4562 and the MSBat pin 2 The LSB of the horizontal address into pi n 5 of U4598 of U4580 512 of the 1024 bits discrete locations are used selects the section Α or Β for writing or reading the to cover the screen width th e remain ing 512 bits are vertical data i n memory One mode of store operation divided so 256 locations are on eith er side of the screen updates ea...

Page 39: ...the i nput of i ntegrator U4525B where it is summed with the 1 reads o r writes i n the Α section and 0 of the Β section non inverted sample on C4561 The voltage differential When Save Α is selected data in Α memory is not updated between the updated and current voltage seen by the duri ng the Write Cycle because the LSB into the RA M is 0 integrator is proportional tothe analog voltage change out...

Page 40: ...uitry An additional storage feature Β SAVE Α with itsfront panel pushbutton and i ndicator has also been added Graph ic presentation of mathematical functions or When Display Α is selected only the J input of U4554B data is commo n practice One class of graphs are those goes h ig h and the output remains constant Only data in Α which have α si ngle Υ value for each Χ coordinate An memory is displa...

Page 41: ...nates are updated in applied through α level shifting operational am plifier memory U4704 to α analog to digital Α D co nverter Vi deo is Control converted to an eight bit word by α successive approxima Logic Display functions are activated by tion register SAR consisting of comparator U4702B part Pushbuttons that clock D type latches Output of the latch drives an LEDto indicate that the fun ction...

Page 42: ...edure is provided i n the Operators Instruction put impedance man ual Th is procedu re should be incl uded as part of the 50 75 and overall instrument maintenance check 600 oh ms Frequency Short term Tektronix 7D14 Cou nter stability 1 7000 Series part in 107 or Digital The following procedures check the 71_5 sweep trigger Cou nter DC501 i ng frequency range display flatness resolution DC502 bandw...

Page 43: is obtai ned f Set the low frequency signal generator to 500 kHz and repeat step e g Select the LINE trigger source Apply an ac voltage th rough α 10Χ probe to the input of the vertical plug i n b Set sig nal gen erator to 500 kHz and adjust the amp lifier e g 7Α18 Verify α stable triggered disp lay output amplitude for α 6 division display approximately 24 dBm on the analyzer crt Carefully adj...

Page 44: ... GENERATOR WITH OUTPUT MON ITOR Fig 3 2 Dot frequency range and display flat ness test setup Performance Check 7 L5 Service c Slowly adjust the signal generator frequency so the displayed signal moves across the full width of the graticule Monito r the sig nal output level and adjust as required to maintain α constant output Verify th at the displayed sig nal amplitude remai ns within 0 5 d B of t...

Page 45: of graticule d Apply 5 μs markers to the I NPUT and verify o ne 200 kHz marker per division t4 percent over t hecenter eig ht divisions For exam ple if the controls are adjusted so that the marker behind the 2nd graticule line is 3 4 MARKER GENERATOR e Set the FREQUENCY SPAN DIV to 100 kHz and apply 10 μs markers to the I NPUT con nector Verify one 100 kHz marker per division 2 percent over the...

Page 46: ...switch on vertical p lug in amp lifier as 10 0 ms 10 ms 1 1 requi red for α stable display on the crt 20 0 ms 1 s 1 5 50 0 ms 1 s 1 2 d Adj ust 71_5 HOR IZ POSITION as req ui red to alig n 1 s 1 s 1 1 markers with the vertical graticule lines Verify that the 2s 1 s 1 5 displayed markers per division are in accordance with 5s 1 s 1 2 Table 3 3 and within 5 percent of their respective graticule 1 0s...

Page 47: ...ts are at least 8 divisions below the reference SIGN AL G ENERATOR NO 1 Ο SIG NAL GENERATOR NO 2 10Χ 20 dB ΑΤΤΕΝ 5092 STEP BNC Τ ΑΤΤΕΝ b 1 0 79 dΒ 10Χ 20 dB ΑΤΤΕΝ 5092 Fig 3 5 Intermodulati on distortion test equipment setup divisions from center screen is at least 7 5 d ivisions 75 d B below the reference level f I nc rease the external attenu ation to reduce the input sign al level by 10 d B Set...

Page 48: ...AL STORAGE DISPLAY Α Β Display Mode LOG 2 dB DIV Α 6 1 Slope Β Trailing ed ge reference 218α 12 f Activate the SAVE Α and MAX HOLD pushbuttons g After one hour verify that any change in the displayed waveform is n ot more than 5 Hz That is any change in the displayed signal frequency as indicated by horizontal and vertical separation between the display Α reference waveform and the disp lay Βwavef...

Page 49: ...ecalibrate the instrument to its specificatio ns After calibration the instrument perfor mance should be verified by performin g the Performance Check The limits tolerances and waveform illustrations in th is procedure are aids to calibrate the i nstrument and not i ntended as performance specificatio ns Because th e ci rcuits are very stable re calibration is usually necessary only after α compon...

Page 50: ...p Gain with R2025 for minimum signal amplitude at pin ΡΒ Peak to peak signal am plitude should notexceed 1 volt d Repeat these steps because of in teraction 6 Function I F Calibration Page 4 11 2 Calibrate the Cali brator Output Level Page 4 6 α Use α calibrated reference signal of α Cali brate the Volts Divwith R2205for 10 mV i nto α Hi Ζ plug i n module to 1 2 10 dB signal level change at pi n 6...

Page 51: ...he 1st stage and SAVE Α then DISPLAY Β and MAX 1 Adjust C1660 for symmetry 20 dB H OLD down C1664 for symmetry 2 dB down 9Α Digital Storage Calibration SN and fi nalize with L1680 Β070000 and up α Set the DOT FREQUENCY to 1000 kHz SPAN DIV at 200 kHz RE SO LUTION at 30 kHz ΤΙΜΕ D1 V οη AUTO Display Mode at 10 dB DI V and DIGITAL STORAG E Α and Β on Set the reference voltage level to 2 V 10 mV wit ...


Page 53: ... Α4500 SWEEP CKT BR D Α500 RF MODULE ASSEMBLY Α2000 WITH 1st LO CKT BR D Α2000 Α1Α1 LOG LI N AMPL CKT BR D Α1000Α3 DIGITAL AVERAGI NG CKT BRD Α4000 VERTICA L CON TROL CKT BR D Α200Α2 D I F MODULE SWUNG DOWN TO EXPOS E THE DIGITA L AVERAGING AND VERTICA L CONTROL BOARDS Fig 4 1C D Location of the major circuit boards and assemblies for the 71 5 Calibration Procedure 71 5 Service REMOVE TWO FLAT HEA...

Page 54: ...ut Level vertical am plifier u nit 1 Plug the 71 5 through exten der cables into the center two compartmen ts of the mainframe α vertical amplifier unit e g 7Α16 i n the left vertical compart ment and α counter e g 7D14 i n the right horizontal compartment 2 Connect the CALIBRATOR outp ut to th e In put of the vertical amplifier Set the vertical sensitivity to 10 mV Div I nput coupling to ac and b...

Page 55: ... for 2 d B Div and adjust th e REFERENCE LEVEL so the sig nal amplitude is at center screen or some reference level Ι Remove the shorting strap and recheck the calibrator signal level for high impedance in put If R892 must be readjusted recalibrate the signal source for high e Disconnect the referen ce signal and apply the 7L5 impedance and repeat th e above procedu re for high CAL IBRATOR signal ...

Page 56: ...s been replaced or the marker dot cannot be centered with adjustment R655 the following procedure should be used 1 A djust R655 Fig 4 8 for 0 V at pin RJ Fig 4 6 then add or remove jumpers Ρ122 and or Ρ124 Tektronix Part No 131 1493 00 so the DOTis close to but not to the right of center screen high frequency side 2 Now adjust R655 to center the marker dot on the crt graticule e Set the DOT FREQUE...

Page 57: ... volts Ι Set the FREQUENCY SPAN DIV to 500 kHz Apply the CALI BRATOR sig nal to the I NPUT and adjust the Reference Level approximately 30 d Bm to display 1 marker d ivision m Check t he span accuracy at 99 75 kHz and α Apply 10 ms markers from the time mark generator 100 00 kHz If the span accuracy error at either setting to the left amp lifier plug i n un it Setth e mai nframe Vertical exceeds 4...

Page 58: ...α voltage of justments 3 2 V at pin ΡΒ R2025 R2015 Fig 4 10 Location of list LO adjustments α With the vertical amplifier unit e g 7Α18 in the left vertical compartment of the 71_5 mainframe switch the Vertical Mode to Chop so both the 71_5 and amplifier d isplays can be observed b Set the amplifier Volts Div to 1 V the 71_5 DIGITAL STORAGE off and the ΤΙΜΕ DIV to 10 ms c Ground the Input of the a...

Page 59: ...e lock is working there should be α slight hesitation as the 0 Hz start NOTE spur is tuned past the 1st graticule line Once the Reference level should be 30 dBm or more to 0 Hz start spur is in the correct position α usable minimize noise waveform should be obtained from the 1st L O lock e While switch ing the step attenuator in 10 dB steps to change the inputsignal level 10 dB adj ust Volts Div C...

Page 60: ...obe from pin 6 of U2210 Switch the mainframe Vertical Mode and Trigger Sou rce selectors to display the 71_5 output Switch the Display Mode to 2 dB DI V and adj ust the REFERENCE LEVEL controls at or near 50 dBm to position th e display at the top graticule line j Calibrate the 2 dB Log and Li n 20 dB 40 d B and 60 dB gain stages as follows NOΤΕ 4 Add an additional 20 dB of external attenuation an...

Page 61: ...he crystal filter centerfrequency to 250 kHz with adju stmen ts C1666 C1726 C1766 and C1806 Fig 4 15 Tune for maximum response amplitude as the RESOLUTION is decreased towards 10 Hz f Adjust the response of each VR stage for response symmetry amplitude and ban dwidth as follows b Ch ange the RESOLUTION to 10 kHz and adjust L1856 L1860 L1864 L1870 and L 1872 Fig 4 15 for maximum response 1 Set the ...

Page 62: ...Calibration Procedure 71 5 Service 4 1 4 Fig 4 15Α Test points and adjustments on the Variable Resolution board Fig 4 15Β Test points and adjustments on the Variable Resolution board REV Α ΜΑΥ 1978 ...

Page 63: ...peat the procedure to align and calibrate the response for the 2nd stage adjustments C1720 C1724 L1730 and R 1730 8 Repeat the procedure to align and calibrate the 3rd and 4th stages then remove the swamping resistors and check the overall response symmetry and bandwidth Because of stray capacitance effect lift the connector on the ΤΡ for the gate of the FET or remove the swamping resistors comple...

Page 64: ...e RESOLUTION is switched between 3 kHz and 10 Hz positions 4 Remove the shorting strap from ΤΡ1790 and adjust R1735 Fig 4 15 for minimum signal level shift between the 3 kHz and 10 Hz positions of RESOLU TION 5 Remove the shorting strap from ΤΡ1795 and adjust the 3rd stage 10 Ητ gαίη ωίth R1785 for minimum signal level shift between the 3 kHz and 10 Hz RESOLUTION settings 6 Remove the shorting str...

Page 65: ... display the 500 kHz markers d Adj ust R4585 Fig 4 20 slowly ccw from α fully cw position u ntil all of the display include th e d isplay edges g Change the FREQUEN CY S PAN DIV to 10 k and remain stored at th e end of sweep Turn R4585 slightly adj ust the REFERENCE LEVEL so th e signal amplitudeis7 past th is point to assu re stability divisions R4585 R4570 R4625 Insulating sheet to prevent groun...

Page 66: ...n and Β digital storage displays Activate SAVE Α to save t he power Dis play Α t hen change the DOT FREQUENCY to 540 kH z Ch ange TRIGGERING toSG L SWP N ote the amplitude of b Set the front panel co ntrols as follows thestored li ne Lineshouldbe nearthetop ofthescreen 4 1 8 DOT FREQUEN CY 1000 kHz FREQUENCY SPAN DI V 200 kHz RESOLUTION 30 kHz REFERENCE LEVEL 40 dBV or 27 dBm ΤΙΜΕ DIV AUTO LOG dis...

Page 67: ...ert Offset R ef Voltage R4723 R4781 Ι Horiz Offset R4746 Vert Gain 14710 Iff Horiz Gain R4744 Ρ4721 Calibration Procedure 7 L5 Service Ρ471Α Fig 4 21 Digital Storage 670 5671 00 test points and adjustments 4 Ατ Ρ4720 2184 93 ...

Page 68: p revent dust or dirt from accumulating i n or on it Dirt acts as α thermal insulatin g blanket a nd p revents efficient heat dissipatio n It also provides h igh resistance electrical leakage paths between cond uctors or components i n α hu mid envi ro n ment Exterior Clean the dust from the outside of the i nstrument by wiping or brushing the surface with α soft cloth or brush The brush will r...

Page 69: ...overheati ng before the damaged part is replaced otherwise the damage may be repeated Transistor and Integrated Circuit Checks Periodic checks of the transistors and integrated circuits are not recommended Th e best measure of performance is the actual operation of the com ponent in the circuit Performance of these components is thoroug hly checked duri ng the performance check or recalibration an...

Page 70: ...l means for check ing their performance The following guidelines should be Diode Code The cathode of each glass encased diode followed when substituting these components is ind icated by α stri pe α series of stripes or α dot Some α First determi ne that circuit voltages are safe for the diodes have α diode symbol printed on one side Fig 5 3 substituted com ponent so th e replacement will not be i...

Page 71: ...cuit IC Checks I ntegrated circuits are with α dynamic testersuch as the Tektronix Type 576 most easily chec ked by d irect replacement When su b Curve Tracer or 5C T1 Ν Curve Tracer for the 5000 stitution is impossible check input and output signal Series mainframe Static type testers such as an states as described in the Circuit Description and on the ohmmeter can be used to check the resistance...

Page 72: ...aining Replacement Pa rts and circuit isolation It and the diagrams show the signal levels required at various points to produce full screen Most electrical and mechan ical parts are available deflection through your local Tektronix Field Office or represen tative The Parts List section contains information on how CA U TIO N to order these replacement parts Many stan dard elec tron ic com ponents ...

Page 73: ...soldering iro n to the pin base of th e ferrule and pull the old p in out If the broken stub is too short to g rasp with pliers use α small dowel 0 028 i nch diameter to push the pin out Use a pair of diagonal cutters to remove the ferrule from the new p in and then insert the pin into the old ferrule and solder to both sides of the ferru le The pin sockets on the circuit boards are soldered to th...

Page 74: ...the major assemblies and circuit boards within the i nstrume n t Refer to Fig 4 1 for board and assembly identification The exp loded drawing in the Replaceable Mechanical Parts section may also hel p illustrate how th e instrument is assembled 1 Removing the Front Panel α Unscrew and remove the plug in module release d Unp lug the multi pin ribbon connector from the knob located below th e plug i...

Page 75: ...connector Plug the 7L5 through α flexible extender cable into the mainframe vertical and horizontal connecto rs Turn b Un plug and remove the Sweep board the power on LOOSEN SET SC REWS REMOVE FOUR SCREWS TO SWI NG I F MODULE DOWN BOAR D UNPLUG COAX MOUNTING SCREWS UNPLUG THREE COAX CONNECTORS UNPLUG RI BBON CONNECTO R UNHOO K LOOSEN SPR ING SET SCREW REFERENCE MODULE η MOUNTI NG SCREWS Fig 5 6 71...

Page 76: ...ended only as α brief guide 1 Reconnect the two cables coaxial and wire from the RF Module assembly It may be necessary to tem porarily remove the Transverse Interface circuit board assembly to gain access to the conn ectors 2 Re in stall the Tran sverse Interface circu it board assembly and replace the th ree screws that hold it to the back pa nel 3 Re install the RF Modu le assembly Replace the ...

Page 77: ...Maintenance 71 5 Service Fig 5 7 Binary switch for setting Β SAVE Α display level Normal switch setting is for α reference level at the top of screen all closed except 6 7 8 ...

Page 78: ...Section 6 7L5 Service Options for the 71 5 such as Options 21 25 28 30 31 etc are documented in α supplemental manual Th is manual is included with the 71 5 Operati ng an d Service manual if you r i nstrument is so equipped ...

Page 79: ...i ng any change in part number Change information if any is located at the rear of th is ma nual SPE CIAL NOT ES AND SYMBOLS ΧΟΟΟ Part first added at th is serial nu mber ΟΟΧ Part removed after this serial n umbe r ITEM NAME In the Parts List an Item Name is separated from the description by α colon Because of space li m itations an Item Name may sometimes appear as incomplete For furt her Item Na...


Page 81: ... OSCILLATOR AND CALIBRATOR 80009 670 3585 00 Α100Α8 670 3585 01 Β020260 CKT BOARD ASSY REF OSCILLATOR AND CALIBRATOR 80009 670 3585 0 Ι Α500 670 3586 00 Β010100 Β039999 CKT BOARD ASSY SWEEP 80009 670 3586 00 Α500 670 3586 01 8040000 Β049999 CKT BOARD ASSY SWEEP 80009 670 3586 01 Α500 670 3586 02 Β050000 Β059999 CKT BOARD ASSY SWEEP 80009 670 3586 02 Α500 670 3586 03 Β060000 CKT BOARD ASSY SWEEP 80...

Page 82: ...5UF 10A 72982 1214 007 C120 290 0574 00 CAP FXD ELCTLT 47UF 10 20V 90201 TDC476 KO20C L C122 283 0111 00 CAP FXD CER DI O IUF 20 50V 72982 8121 NO88Z5U l04M C124 290 0535 00 ΒΟΙΟΙΟΟ Β030528 CAP FXD ELCTLT 33UF 20 1OV 56289 196D336XOO 1 OKA1 C124 290 0527 00 Β030529 CAP FXD ELCTLT 15UF 20 20V 90201 TDC156MO20FL C126 283 0204 00 CAP FΧD CER Dτ 0 01UF 20 50ν 72982 8121 Ν06 ΙΖ5υΟ103Μ C127 283 0180 00 ...

Page 83: ... 90201 TDC156 MO20FL C260 283 0204 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 01UF 20 50V 72982 8121ΝΟ61Ζ5υΟ 103Μ C261 290 0726 00 ΧΒ020260 CAP FXD ELCTLT 220UF 20 10V 56289 196D227XO0 1 0TE3 C262 283 0198 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 22UF 20 50V 72982 812 ΙΝ083Ζ 5υΟ224Μ C264 283 0204 00 CAP FXD CER DI O OI UF 20 50V 72982 8121Ν061Ζ 5υ0103Μ C270 283 0180 00 Β010100 Β071279 CAP FXD CER DI 5600PF 20 200 V 72982 8121Ν204 Ε 562Μ C27...

Page 84: ...50V 72982 8121 NO88Z 5 U 104M C670 283 0087 00 CAP FXD CER DI 300PF 10 1000V 56289 403637 C674 283 0203 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 47 UF 20 50V 72982 8131Ν075Ε474Μ C676 283 0111 00 CAP FXD CER DI O IUF 20 50V 72982 8121 N088Z 5U104M C710 283 0201 00 CAP FXD CER D I 27 PF 10 200 V 72982 81018210Χ7ΑΟ270Κ C712 A 295 0178 00 CAP SET MTCHD 0 05UF 4 95UF MATCHED 1 80009 295 0178 00 C712 B C724 283 0191 00 ΧΒΟ ...

Page 85: ...82 8121NO6IZ5UO103M C1222 283 0051 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 0033UF 5 100V 72982 813NI450000332J C1224 281 0605 00 CAP FXD CER DI 200PF 10 500 V 04222 7001 1375 C1226 283 0204 00 CAP FXD CER DI O OI UF 20 50V 72982 812 ΙΝΟ61 Ζ 5υΟ 103Μ C1234 283 0204 00 CAP FXD CER DI O O1UF 20 50V 72982 8121 N061 Z5UO103 M C1240 283 0204 00 CAP FXD CER DI O O1UF 20 50V 72982 8121 N061 Z 5UO103 M C1242 283 0111 00 CAP F...

Page 86: ...D ELCTLT 2 2UF 20 20V 56289 196D225X0020 HA1 C1510 283 0023 00 CAP FXD CER DI O lUF 80 20 12V 91418 ΜΧ0104 Ζ 1205Α5 C1511 283 0080 00 CAP FXD CER DI 0 022UF 80 20 25V 56289 19C611 C1512 283 0032 00 CAP FXD CER DI 470PF 5 500V 72982 0831085Z 5EO0471J C1520 283 0156 00 CAP FXD CER DI 1000PF 100 0 200 V 72982 8111Α208Ζ5υ0102 Ζ C1522 283 0023 00 CAP FXD CER DI O lUF 80 20 12V 91418 ΜΧ0104 Ζ 1205Α5 C15...

Page 87: ...Μ C1752 283 0111 00 CAP FXD CER DI O lUF 20 50V 72982 8121 NO88Z5UI04M C1756 283 0204 00 CAP FXD CER DI O OIUF 20 50V 72982 8121 Ν061Ζ5υ0103Μ C1760 281 0093 00 CAP VAR CER DI 5 5 18PF 72982 538 Ο 11Α5 5 18 C1762 283 0197 00 CAP FXD CER DI 470PF 5 100V 72982 8121 NO75000047 IJ C1764 281 0093 00 CAP VAR CE R DI 5 5 18PF 72982 538 011Α5 5 18 C1766 281 0125 00 CAP VAR MICA D 90 400PF 175V 52769 GMC309...

Page 88: ...161GO C1914 283 0697 00 CAP FXD MI CA D 545PF 1 300V 09023 C D 15EC 545 ΣΟ3 C1916 283 0642 00 CAP FXD MI CA D 33PF 0 5PF 300V 00853 D10 5E330G C1918 283 0697 00 CAP FXD MI CA D 545PF 1 300V 09023 CD15EC 545 ΣΟ3 C1919 283 0659 00 CAP FXD MI CA D 1160PF 2 500V 00853 D195C1161GO C2000 290 0135 00 CAP FXD ELCTLT 15UF 20 20V 56289 150D156XO02O B2 C2012 290 0524 00 CAP FXD ELCTLT 4 7UF 20 I OV 90201 TDC...

Page 89: ...81 0536 00 Β010100 Β069999 Χ CAP FXD CER DI 1000PF 10 500 V 72982 301000 Χ5ΡΟ 102Κ C4189 281 0629 00 Β010100 Β020274 CAP FXD CER DI 33PF 5 600V 72982 308 000COG0330 J C4189 281 0515 00 Β020275 Β069999 Χ CAP FXD CER DI 27PF 1 35PF 500V 72982 302 0050000270 J C4193 281 0523 00 Β010100 Β069999 Χ CAP FXD CER DI IΠOPF 20PF 500V 72982 301 OOOU2MO1O1M C4195 281 0504 00 Β010100 Β069999 Χ CAP FXD CER DI 10...

Page 90: ...F 20 50V 72982 8121 NO88Z 5U 104M C4664 283 0111 00 Β010100 Β069999χ CAP FXD CER DI O lUF 20 50V 72982 8121 ΝΟ88Ζ 5υ 104Μ C4666 283 0111 00 Β010100 Β069999Χ CAP FXD CER DI O lUF 20 50V 72982 8121 NO88Z 5U 104M C4668 283 0111 00 Β010100 Β069999Χ CAP FXD CER DI O IUF 20 50V 72982 8121 ΝΟ88Ζ 5U104Μ C4701 283 0157 00 ΧΒ070000 CAP FXD CER DI 7PF 5 500V 72982 8111 BO64COH0709J C4702 283 0637 00 ΧΒ070000...

Page 91: ...4 150 1050 00 Β030750 LT EMITTING DIO RED 50579 RL 71 CR38 150 1004 00 8010100 Β030489 LAMP LED RED 2 5V 15MA 08806 SSL 12 CR38 150 1040 00 8030490 Β030749 LAMP LED RED SMA 2 OV 50347 LLL 7Α CR38 150 1050 00 Β030750 LT EMITTING DIO RED 50579 RL 71 CR40 150 1004 00 Β010100 Β030489 LAMP LED RED 2 5V 15MA 08806 SSL 12 CR40 150 1040 00 8030490 Β030749 LAMP LED RED SMA 2 OV 50347 LLL 7Α CR40 150 1050 0...

Page 92: ...SEMICOND DEVICE SILICON 30V 150MA 01295 1 Ν4152 Α CR624 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DEVICE SILICON 30V 150MA 01295 1 N4152R CR630 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DEVICE SILICON 30V 150MA 01295 1 Ν4152 Α CR638 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DEVICE SILICON 30V 150MA 01295 IN4152R CR640 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DEVICE SILICON 30V 150MA 01295 IN4152R CR660 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DEVICE SILICON 30V 150MA 01295 1 N4152R CR670 152 0322 0...

Page 93: ...VICE SILICON 15V HOT CARRIER 50434 5082 2672 CR1420 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DEVICE SILICON 30V 150MA 01295 IN4152R CR1504 152 0612 00 SEMICOND DEV ICE V VAR CAP 4V 17 5PF 80009 152 0612 00 CR 1612 CRι616 CR1622 153 0044 00 SEMICOND DVC SE SIGNAL MATCHED 80009 153 0044 00 CR ι626 CR 1812 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DEVICE SILICON 30V 150MA 01295 IN4152R CR1813 152 0141 02 SEMICOND DEVICE SILICON 30V 150MA 01...

Page 94: ...15V HOT CARRIER 50434 5082 2672 CR4715 152 0075 00 Β071182 SEMICOND DEV ICE GE 25 V 40MA 14433 G866 CR4750 152 0322 00 ΧΒ070000 Β071181 SEMICOND DEV ICE SILICON 15V HOT CARRIE R 50434 5082 2672 CR4750 152 0075 00 Β071182 SEMICOND DEVICE GE 25 V 40MA 14433 G866 CR4754 150 1050 00 ΧΒ070000 LT EMITTING DIO RED 50579 RL 71 E132 276 0507 00 ΧΒ030490 SHIELDING BEAD FERRITE 78488 57 3443 E134 276 0507 00...

Page 95: ...OIDAL INDUCTOR 80009 108 0836 00 L 1634 108 0551 00 8010100 Β010124 COIL RF 14UH 80009 108 0551 00 L 1634 108 0836 00 Β010125 COIL RF 14 UH TOROIDAL INDUCTOR 80009 108 0836 00 L 1680 114 0341 00 COIL RF 7 13 7 35ΜΗ 80009 114 0341 00 L 1730 114 0341 00 COIL RF 7 13 7 35ΜΗ 80009 114 0341 00 L 1780 114 0341 00 COIL RF 7 13 7 35ΜΗ 80009 114 0341 00 L 1820 114 0341 00 COIL RF 7 13 7 35ΜΗ 80009 114 0341...

Page 96: ...828 ΜΕΜ660 Q1040 151 0190 00 TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN 07263 S032677 Q1060 151 1021 00 TRANSISTOR SILICON JFE 17856 FN815 Q1070 151 0190 00 TRANSISTO R SILICON NPN 07263 S032677 Q1080 151 0190 00 TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN 07263 S032677 Q1085 151 0190 00 TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN 07263 S032677 Q1110 151 1021 00 TRANSISTOR SILICON JFE 17856 FN815 Q1115 151 0190 00 TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN 07263 S032677 Q1130 1...

Page 97: ...R S ILICON JFE P CHANNEL 80009 151 1045 00 Q2355 151 1097 00 TRANS I STOR S ILI CON FE 80009 151 1097 00 Q2360 151 1097 00 TRANS I STOR S ILICON FE 80009 151 1097 00 Q2365 151 1097 00 TRANS ISTOR S ILICON FE 80009 151 1097 00 Q2370 151 1097 00 TRANS ISTOR S ILICON FE 80009 151 1097 00 Q3000 151 0190 00 TRANS ISTOR S ILICON NPN 07263 S032677 Q3020 151 0188 00 TRANS ISTOR S ILICON PNP 04713 SPS6868K...

Page 98: ...ES FXD CMPSN 200 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB2015 R 122 307 0103 00 RES FXD CMPSN 2 7 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB27G5 R 128 315 0621 00 RES FXD CMPSN 620 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB6215 R 129 315 0185 00 RES FXD CMPSN 1 8M OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB1855 Α 130 315 0510 00 RES FXD CMPSN 51 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB5105 Α 132 321 0241 00 RES FXD FILM 3 16K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G31600F R 133 315 0201 00 RES FXD CMPSN 200 ΟΗΜ 5 0...

Page 99: ... 1260 00 RES VAR N ONWIR 250 ΟΗΜ 10 0 50ω 32997 3329Ρ L58 251 R256 307 0103 00 RES FXD CMPSN 2 7 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB27G5 Α258 315 0201 00 RES FXD CMPS N 200 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 0l 121 CB 2015 Α259 315 0201 00 RES FXD CMPS N 200 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 0l 121 CB 2015 Α261 315 0681 00 RES FXD CMPSN 680 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 0l 121 CB 6815 Α266 315 0201 00 RES FXD CMPSN 200 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 0l 121 CB 2015 Α268 315 0201 00 RES FXD CMP...

Page 100: ... R370 321 0293 00 RES FXD FILM I 1K ΟΗΜ Ι 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816GI 1001 F Α372 321 0253 00 Β010100 Β079999 RES FXD FILM 4 22K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G42200 F R372 311 1268 00 Β080000 RES VAR NONWIR IOK ΟΗΜ 10 0 50W 32997 3329 Ρ L58 103 Α374 315 0101 00 RE S FXD CMPSN 100 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB 1015 Α376 311 1268 00 ΧΒ080000 RES VAR NONWIR 10K ΟΗΜ 10 0 50W 32997 3329 Ρ L58 103 R378 321 0293 00 ΧΒ0...

Page 101: ... 0183 00 RES FXD CMPSN 18K OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB1835 R600 321 0399 00 RES FXD FILM 140K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G I4002 F R602 315 0681 00 RES FXD CMPSN 680 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB6815 Α604 315 0105 00 RES FXD CMPSN 1M OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB1055 Α606 321 0226 00 RES FXD FILM 2 21 K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91 637 MFF 1816G22100F Α608 321 0222 00 RES FXD FILM 2K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G20000F R610 315 0513 00...

Page 102: ...S FXD FILM 24 9K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125ω 91637 MFF1816G24901 F R696 321 0385 00 RES FXD FILM I OOK ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G10002 F R698 321 0423 00 RES FXD FILM 249K OHM I 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G24902 F R700 321 0481 00 RES FXD FILM 1M ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 24546 NA4D 1004F Α702 322 0519 01 RES FXD FILM 2 49M ΟΗΜ 0 5 0 25W 91637 HFF143G24903D R704 307 0465 00 RES FXD FILM 1OM ΟΗΜ 1 0 5W 03888 FL 1 2 105F R706 321 03...

Page 103: ...9 9K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 9 l 637 MFF 1816G49901 F R808 321 0344 00 RES FXD FILM 37 4K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 9 l 637 MFF 1816G37401 F R810 321 0335 00 RES FXD FILM 30 1K ΟΗΜ Ι 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G30101 F R812 321 0327 00 RES FXD FILM 24 9K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 9 l 637 MFF 1816G24901 F R814 321 0373 00 RES FXD FILM 75K OHM 1 0 125W 9 l 637 MFF 1816G75001 Σ Α818 321 0356 00 RES FXD FILM 49 9K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 9 l 637 MFF 1816...

Page 104: ...CB4705 R1053 315 0470 00 RES FXD CMPSN 47 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 C B4705 R1054 315 0470 00 RES FXD CMPS N 47 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB4705 Α1056 315 0470 00 RES FXD CMPSN 47 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB4705 Α1058 315 0101 00 RES FXD CMPSN 100 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB 1015 Α1059 315 0101 00 RES FXD CMPSN 100 OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB 1015 Α1060 315 0224 00 RES FXD CMPSN 220K OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB2245 Α1064 315 0102 00 RES FXD...

Page 105: ...Μ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G I 000OF R 1258 315 0203 00 RES FXD CMPS N 20K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB2035 Α1260 315 0203 00 RES FXD CMPSN 20K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB2035 R 1262 315 0102 00 RES FXD CMPSN 1 K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB1025 Α1300 321 0068 00 RES FXD FILM 49 9 ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G49R90F R1304 307 0113 00 RES FXD CMPS N 5 1 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB51G5 Α1306 315 0182 00 RES FXD CMPS N 1 8K ΟΗΜ 5 0 ...

Page 106: ...ES FXD FILM 4 87K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G48700 F Α1422 321 0259 00 RES FXD FILM 4 87K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G48700 F Α1424 315 0104 00 RES FXD CMP SN 100K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 C B 1045 R1426 315 0104 00 RES FXD CMP SN IOOK ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 C B 1045 Α1428 315 0104 00 RES FXD CMP SN l00K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 C B 1045 R1429 315 0104 00 RES FXD CMPSN 100K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 C B 1045 R1430 315 0151 0...

Page 107: ...P SN 18K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB1835 Α1660 315 0302 00 RES FXD CMP SN 3K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB3025 R1667 315 0105 00 RES FXD CMP SN IM OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB1055 R1668 321 0260 00 RES FXD FILM 4 99K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G49900 F R1669 315 0105 00 RES FXD CMPSN 1M OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB1055 R1670 321 0193 00 RES FXD FILM IK ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G1000O F R1672 317 0470 00 RES FXD CMPSN 47 ΟΗΜ 5 ...

Page 108: ... 315 0470 00 RES FXD CMPSN 47 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB4705 Α1752 315 0123 00 RES FXD CMPSN 12K OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB 1235 R1754 315 0153 00 RES FXD CMPSN 15K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB 1535 Α1756 315 0104 00 RES FXD CMPSN 100K OHM 5 0 25W 01121 CB 1045 Α1760 315 0562 00 RES FXD CMPSN 5 6K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB 5625 Α1766 321 0308 00 RES FXD FILM 15 8K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G I 5801F R1768 321 0328 00 RES ...

Page 109: ... 25W 01121 CB4705 Α 1887 321 0223 00 RES FXD FILM 2 05K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G2050O F R 1888 321 0289 00 RES FXD FILM IOK ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G10001 F Α 1890 317 0104 00 RES FXD CMPSN 1 00K ΟΗΜ 5 0 125W 01121 ΒΒ 1045 R 1894 317 0104 00 RES FXD CMPSN 1 00K ΟΗΜ 5 0 125W 01121 ΒΒ1045 R1902 315 0123 00 RES FXD CMPSN 12K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB1235 R 1903 315 0202 00 RES FXD CMPSN 2K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25...

Page 110: ...816G49R90F Α2220 321 0402 00 RES FXD FILM 150K ΟΗΜ Ι 0 125W 24546 NA55DI503F R2222 321 0298 00 RES FXD FILM 12 4K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G12401F Α2224 315 0102 00 RES FXD CMPSN IK ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB 1025 Α2225 311 1272 00 RES VAR NONWIR l00K ΟΗΜ 10 0 50W 32997 3329Ρ L58 104 Α2226 321 0356 00 RES FXD FILM 49 9K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G49901 F Α2227 315 0102 00 RES FXD CMPSN IK ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W ...

Page 111: ... C B 1015 Α2346 315 0103 00 RES FXD CMPSN 10K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB1035 Α2348 321 0344 00 RES FXD FILM 37 4K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G37401 F R2350 315 0101 00 RES FXD CMPSN 100 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB1015 Α2352 321 0371 00 RES FXD FILM 71 5K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G71501 F R2354 315 0105 00 RES FXD CMPSN IM ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB1055 Α2356 315 0101 00 RES FXD CMPSN 100 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 C B 1015...

Page 112: ...24900 F Α4529 315 0101 00 Β010100 B069999X RES FXD CMP SN 100 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25ω 01121 C B 1015 R4531 315 0472 00 ΧΒΟ 10125 Β030339 RES FXD CMPSN 4 7K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 C B4725 Α4531 315 0472 00 Β030340 B069999X RES FXD CMPSN 4 7K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 C B4725 NOMINAL VALUE SELE CTED Α4532 321 0231 00 Β010100 B069999X RES FXD FILM 2 49K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G24900 F Α4533 315 0203 00 Β010100 B069999X R...

Page 113: ... 00 χΒΟ10116 B069999X RES FXD CMPSN 470 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB4715 Α4585 311 1267 00 Β010100 B069999X RES VAR N ONWIR 5K ΟΗΜ 10 0 50W 32997 3329Ρ L58 502 Α4586 321 0289 00 Β010100 B069999X RES FXD FILM IOK ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G10001 F R4588 321 0289 00 Β010100 B069999X RES FXD FILM 10K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF1816G I 0001F R4589 315 0562 00 ΧΒΟ10116 B069999X RES FXD CMPSN 5 6K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25ω 01121 ...

Page 114: ...K ΟΗΜ 1 0 125W 24546 NA55DI 503F Α4730 321 0164 00 XB070000 RES FXD FILM 499 οΗΜ 1 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G499 ROF Α4731 315 0152 00 XB070000 RE S FXD CMPSN 1 5K ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB1525 Α4732 315 0471 00 XB070000 RES FXD CMPSN 470 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB4715 Α4733 315 0471 00 XB070000 RES FXD CMP SN 470 ΟΗΜ 5 0 25W 01121 CB4715 Α4734 321 0164 00 XB070000 RES FXD FILM 499 ΟΗΜ Ι 0 125W 91637 MFF 1816G49...

Page 115: ...44 263 0019 00 SWITCH ΡΒ ASSY MOMENTARY 80009 263 0019 00 S45 311 1714 01 RES VAR NONWIR 15K ΟΗΜ 20 1 W 80009 311 1714 01 FURNISHED AS Α UNIT WITH R45 S46 401 0127 02 ROTOR CONT ASSY DELRIN W 0 CONTACTS 80009 401 0127 02 S47 260 0960 01 SWITCH SLIDE O SA 120VDC CKT BD MT 10389 23 021 043 S54 401 0127 02 ROTOR CONT ASSY DELRIN W 0 CONTACTS 80009 401 0127 02 S54B 263 0019 00 SWITCH ΡΒ ASSY MOMENTARY...

Page 116: ...TTL 01295 SN74279N U175 156 0567 00 MICROCIRCUIT DI DUAL J Κ NEG EDGE TRIG F F 01295 SN74LS113 U180 156 0506 00 MICROCIRCUIT DI QUAD SGL ENDED DUAL LINE D 27014 DM8831N U185 156 0516 00 MICROCIRCUIT LI OPNL AMPL 24355 AD523J U192 156 0047 00 Β010100 Β020274 MICROCIRCUIT DI TPL 3 INPUT POS NAND GATE 80009 156 0047 00 U192 156 0386 00 Β020275 Β030499 MICROCIRCUIT DI TRIPLE 3 INPUT NAND GATE 04713 SN...

Page 117: ...0 156 0487 00 MICROCIRCU IT DI DUAL RETRIG ONE SHOT 80009 156 0487 00 U595 156 0112 00 MICROCIRCUIT DI QUAD 2 INPUT POS NAND GATE 80009 156 0112 00 U600 156 0177 00 MICROCIRCUIT LI DUAL LINE RECEIVER 01295 SN75107AN U605 156 0158 00 Β010100 Β071109 MICROCIRCU IT LI DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 18324 MC1458V U605 156 0158 04 Β071110 MICROCIRCUIT LI DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 01295 MC1458JG U650 156 0...

Page 118: ...0513 02 Β060970 MICROCIRCUIT DI 8 CHANNEL MUX SEL 80009 156 0513 02 U1790 307 0476 00 CPLR OPTOELECTR 100 ΟΗΜ 40ΜΑ 18178 VTL2C4 U1795 307 0476 00 CPLR OPTOELECTR 100 ΟΗΜ 40ΜΑ 18178 VTL2C4 02030 156 0158 00 8010100 8071109 MICROCIRCUIT LI DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 18324 MC1458V 02030 156 0158 04 8071110 8092353 MICROCIRCUIT LI DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIE R 01295 MC1458JG 02030 156 1272 00 8092354 MI...

Page 119: ... 8010100 8060969 MICROCIRCUIT DI 18 STAGE STATIC SHIFT RGTR 80009 156 0681 00 04070 156 0681 02 8060970 B069999X MICROCIRCUIT DI 18 STAGE STATIC SR SEL 04713 MC14006BCLDS υ4075 156 0350 01 8010100 8060969 MICROCIRCUIT DI QUAD 2 INPUT NAND GATE 80009 156 0350 01 04075 156 0350 03 8060970 B069999X MICROCIRCUIT DI QUAD 2 INPUT NAND GATE SEL 80009 156 0350 03 04080 156 0570 00 8010100 B069999X MICROCI...

Page 120: ...T NAND GATE 80009 156 0350 00 04534 156 0350 02 Β060970 B069999X MICROCIRCUIT DI QUAD 2 INPUT NAND GATE SEL 80009 156 0350 02 04536 156 0349 00 8010100 8060969 MICROCIRCUIT DI QUAD 2 INPUT NOR GATE 27014 CD4001CJ 04536 156 0349 03 8060970 B069999X MICROCIRCUIT DI QUAD 2 INPUT NOR GATE SEL 80009 156 0349 03 04538 156 0578 00 8010100 8060969 MICROCIRCUIT DI DUAL 1 SHOT MULTIV IBRATOR 80009 156 0578 ...

Page 121: ...TIC RAM CHK 80009 156 0291 01 υ4598 156 0573 00 Β010100 Β069999Χ MICROCIRCUIT DI 4K DYNAMIC RAM 04713 MCM6605L 1 04702 156 0570 00 XB070000 MICROCIRCUIT LI DUAL HIGH SPEED COMPARATOR 27014 LM319H 04704 156 0742 00 XB070000 MICROCIRCUIT LI OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 27014 LM318N 04707 156 0742 00 XB070000 MICROCIRCUIT LI OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 27014 LM318N 04708 156 0742 00 XB070000 MICROCIRCU IT LI OPER...

Page 122: ...0000 SEMICOND DEVICE ZENER 0 4W 9 1V 5 14433 1Ν960Β VR2292 152 0166 00 SEMICOND DEVICE ZENER 0 4W 6 2V 5 04713 SZ11738 VR2294 152 0166 00 SEMICOND DEVICE ZENER 0 4W 6 2V 5 04713 SZ11738 VR2316 152 0278 00 SEMICOND DEVICE ZENER 0 4W 3V 5 04713 SZG35009K20 VR3004 152 0508 00 SEMICOND DEVICE ZENER 0 4W 12 6V 5 80009 152 0508 00 VR4553 152 0306 00 ΧΒ050000 Β069999 Χ SEMICOND DEVICE ZENER 0 4W 9 1V 5 1...

Page 123: ...s noted otherwise and the Ω symbol is omitted Capacitor values 1 e g 10 are i n picofarads p F and values 1 e g 0 01 are i n microfarads unless otherwise noted SV R 2τ 3 Ι Line Name R 2 ο ΖΟΚ 1 V 50 kJ Li104Α L Pos1Tto Front Panel Control or Adjustment 3 Μο5 _ VεRτι cΑιΟυτι 2 R z4 5ΟΚ 15V R 3b 1 b V Ο4 ΙοΚ ΜΟ53 ξR Ζ8 Ι 1 ΟΟ 4 1z 15V 10 6 ν 3 τ41 R 3Ζ b b oK 2 Rv3o Rϊ3θ 1 ΟΚ 5b Κ 0 OVA GA Ν 9 4Ο 1 ...







Page 130: ...ΜΑχ Ηοιο MEM O R Y LEFT R C ΗΤ OFF SE T XT ισ FROM ΜΑ 1Ν FRAME θ7 ΑΙ b AS ΒΖ Β33 2184 4 zap 0 D S PL _CΗΑΝΓ _MODE _C HOP CHAN ι ΤΙ ΜΕ ...


Page 132: ...ΙΑ U10 Ρ20 1 α R1 _ HOLD Ο BAS ELI NE U20 1 OEM R65 LEVEL SLOPE MNL SWΡ 3 Ρ65 Ρ8 Ε6 J65 22 Ζ Ι ΤΙΜ Α1 Α3 TR S36 S22 SP2 SAVE Α Ι Ι DΙSΡ Β LΑΥ Ι 1 ι D1SL LAY CR38 Ι CR24 CR16 RR1 Ν 04 α R 11 Lo ϋ Ι Ρ56 J20 σι 1 CR19 CLIPPER 3 Ρ55 R17 14 R3 _ CR1 R λΛΜ Α1 Α1 Front Panel AAN Ρ ...

Page 133: ...SΡ S22 2 Β LΑΥ DIAJAY CR34 FINE CR24 Ι CR16 Ι TUNING CR90 rout Panel cli DOT MKR σ R50 R30 FvM ιφ tι R 1 3 Ρ 50 2184 β9 See Parts List for tLocation of this part for serial number ranges 670 3586 00 only ...

Page 134: ...VΥ τ0 ΤS ΤJ τε ο ο ο ο ο ο ο σ ΤιΜΕΙΟ V Λ 3 4 2 Ι 0 Ο Ο 566Ι FREQUE SPAN d 0 Ο ο Ο 2 Μ Fιχ ο ο ο 2 Ο ό Ο Ο 9 ι o ο Ι Ο ο Ο S0 ο ο ο Ι Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο 1 Ο zο 2 1 ο ι Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο ΙΟ S Ο Ι Ι Ο Ι 0 S ο 1 Ο Ι Ο 0 0 0 Ο Ο 0 Ο L k ΝΖ ο ο ο ΖΟ Ο Ι 1 Ι Ο Ο Ι S0 ι Ο 1 Ο ο Ο Ι ο η s Ι ο ο Ο Ο Ι 2 2 ο Ί Ί Ο Ι Ο Ι ο ο ο ο Γ S 1 Ο ο ο S0 η RESOLUTION Ητ s ο ο ο ο Ι 1 1 Ι Ο τ 000ΡL0 3ΟΙΟ 3 Ι 3 3ο Ο 2 Ο Ο Ο LΝ Ν 5 Ι ι ι ...

Page 135: ...κ RIS ιsκ Unused connectors shοωπon these d iagrams are f actory test points or options that may be used for future applications Ι Ι ιοηcηι ΙΖ αηsειιιαε ει ΑτοοοηΖ νεRτιεηι c οΝτνLιι ΒΙυ FSI Fs τ 1 3 L α ιι FSE ί2 lFS sτ α SJ Ι θωα Ιια Βωι Ιω Βω z Ιν ΘW 9 Ι19 _ Ιτ σ Τ 2 Ι16 3 f IS ιενειJsιοαε ι bs sv j sτ α Ιια MNLSWP η Ι 113f s τ ΙΥ ι CRHT σ ώ sω ιτcr ιι ΝG SEQυ ENCE i Υ Χ Q y W tISV s sv Q C 0 Ο...

Page 136: ...REV Β MAR 1979 J530 ΤΡ 616 U595 α ο R818 Ν Ν 11 α 8874 8745 α Μ ο α U730 Ν α Ν Ν ο m ο ω ι ω α I α I α υ Ι υ Ι υ ω rc υ U600 Ν Ο α ν ω rc 0765 R582 Ν ει RF Ν GM ο ...

Page 137: ...R 724 R 726 R895 R892 1J560 0525 R 91 68 R570 CR 843 R843 U735 U570 υ515 U675 R 840 Q570 R708 R574 υ700 R577 Α500 Sweep R655 Α 1 Α 1 Front Panel com po n ent location s hown on back of Diagram U830 Ρ525 R 660 U665 C569 R 845 R 739 C629 ...

Page 138: ...Ρ515 Ρ 505 See Parts List for t L ocat ί o n of this part for serial n umbe r ra n ges 670 3586 00 only Ρ 10 2184 88 Α ...

Page 139: ... Ι b 2 4 5 Ι Ο Π C Γ Ο 2 Ο Ο Ο Ο 1 Γ 5 Ο Ο Ο Ι 1 Ι ΛΟ Ι ΓΟ 2 Ο Ο Ι Ο Ι ms 5 Ο ο ι ι ι 10 ο Ι Ο Ο Ο 2Ο Π Ι Π Ο Ι 5 Ο ο Ι Ο ι Ι Ι Ο Ζ Ο Ι Π η Ο Ι 5 ο Ι Ι k17 Ι ι ι Γο 2 ι ο π Π i I 5 Ι Ο 0 Ι 1 Ιο Ι Π ι Δ Γ AU το ι Ι ι ι Γ ο ο ο R62 3bS λ ΑΙΑ3 Τιμ Ε DIV Α 55 Υ ιsν Is ll50C λΤ _ 260 ALL RESISTORS 2ΟοΚ οα 2 J20 Α Ce70 V J20 g Τ F C0 4 ι Ι 9 8 7 65 4 Ι ιτ Sτ ι Ι Ι 6 ι Ι θΤ 2 2 ΙΙ 5 Ι ί ST3 U 90 S b Ιια ...

Page 140: ...sν U nused co nn ectors sh own on th ese diagrams are factory test poi nts or 5ν o ptio n s t h at may be u se d for f ut u re app lications ι 2 23 22 20 AS Bb 2Ι Α4 Β4 θ9 ΙΒ Ατ 62 Ι 9 Α 6 ν ν Ρ sv s c Ι ιω Ι U 525 π SZ13N 9 5 U515 U 53SC εο9 ΟΟ 1 υω ο 9 Ιι 15 Α 3 14 Β3 2 Α2 Α Θ ΙΝ Α D ι rv 4 6 Β AUTO SWEEP 3 117S ...

Page 141: ...Α500 Swee p Component Location shown on back of Diagram Α3000 TransverseN ertical Interface component location shown on back of Diagram ...

Page 142: ... 7 Αμ D ΟΧ 6 5 Ν7 SELE C700 Ub 50 4 b 0 5 Αμ ι4 Β ΙΖ Ο 5 b 4 F55 2 U510F IS Ι 2 Ι3 C ς 3 U52S 7 5 TS 3 Υ 2 4 ω9 US10 1 0 Ε 12 F 54 4 1 4 2 Ζ 1 ΙΙ Ι 4 3 ωΙΟ U52S 12 F53 δ5Τ3 7 ΥΟ US25 4 5 Τι Ι Υ3 73 ω2 us 0D 10 5 Τ 2 Ι5 κ3 εςγ US10C 6 3 Ο υό50 9 6 ο U 595Ο 8 Ο Θ R79Z ΙΟΟΚ R794 ΙΟΟΚ FS 2 Β Z ER O 5ΡΑΝ O R ΜΝ L R 64SJ ΙΟΚ To ΟΜ ω ιΟ W 4 O UTPUT Ι9 CU RREN T 2184 44 REV Β M AR 1479 υ6οο RθΟι 350 JΝΜ R...

Page 143: ... FO R κΝτ FREQ 5ΡΑΝ Ο0 330 5υ MS μ 5 ΤΙΜΕ DIV CO LUM N ΟΤΤΟΜ FR E 5ΡΑΝ ΤΙΜΕ DIV 6 ISV RθΟο RSO b R810 RB I4 R818 R822 30 ΙΚ 49 9 Κ 3Ο ΙΚ 75 Κ 49 9 Κ 3Ο ΙΚ Ι Κ 5 α Ν κ τ FBI όs1 κ τ R B04 37 4 Κ RΘΟΖ R80 B 24 9κ R 920 κ 19Κ ΡΤ z 4Κ l j4 κ Ρτ1 Ι 3 μ j4 κ FREQ SPAN 4 REA D OUT U830 2Β Ι 7 DJ CοιυιπΝ TOP FLOW TOP P Ο N ΒΟΤΤΟΜ i ASS Ρ5ΙΟ F FF 5Ν ξ Ο 4Ρ 9999 Ι ν το P15310 2 VK840 ΔCΚ814 ετS 9 Βα7 Β5θ οΟ...

Page 144: ...own in the Calibration section Fig 4 20 Pertinent 71 5 control settings are also indicated with the waveform Ο 0 V α Zero Span triggered on Gate 2 α Gate b b U575A pin 14 c U700 pin 6 c d U570A pin 1 ΑlΑ1 Front Panel component location shown on back of Diagram Α500 Sweep Component Location shown on back of Diagram Max Span triggered on Gate α H oldoff at U565A pin 2 b Sense at U565D pin 9 c Trigge...

Page 145: ...7L 5 Z184 45 REV Β M AR 1919 ...

Page 146: ...e app lications U595D Ιο R 08 2 ΟΟ y 5L Αλ Κγ HP ι s ν Δ sωεερ 1ΝΜΒΙΤ 1 ΦΑτΒ SRIG4T C Rb 10 _C b l b ΙΖ Β ΤΙΑ ΜξR4 ξ ISOμ F J U580 η ΤR GGER Rb lb ΙΝΗΙΒΙτ Ζ ΖΥ U6 ΘΟΑ Ι 2 Ιι HOLD OFF Τ ΜΙΝι 4 155 OOS6 R b Ob Ι SWEEP 2 Ζ1 Κ CΟιΙΤΡΟυ R61H I 31 6 Κ Ι TRIG 3 Rb3B S sιοΡΕ b L K 5ν R 40 ΙR ΕΑον CR b40 Gρ ΤΕ gΑΓ ΕΙ OF QIO S ISV 1 α η Ρ 61 2 ι Ι Κ1 USGS Α Ι HOLD 7asos 0FF Ιο 8 9 SV SGISW P Ι US70 b Ια R Υ...

Page 147: ...ection Fig 4 20 Pertinent 71 5 control settings are also indicated with the waveform 0 IQ 0 V 8V 5 V ν b α Α1 Α1 F ront Panel component location shown on back of Diagram Α1000Α7 2nd Mixer component location shown on back of Diagram 12 Α500 Sweep Component Location shown on back of Diagram 2 Ο Max Span triggered on Gate α I nput at U675 B pi n 5 b Input at U575C pin 7 Zero Span triggered on Gate α ...

Page 148: ... ΜΕΜΟ RΥ Α j Η US24 4 US10 θ 4 USIOC b υ s ιοε ΙΖ USIOF IS υ SιΟΑ 2 F 1 F52 F 4 FSS Fs9 9Υ υ6 ml l so J θ G 16 USbO Α 12 C θο 1 GW2 1S ΘΙ 2 GWI Ι3ΖΖ 3 67 9 υθΟΟ ΙΙ Ο Ο Αο 9 F E Η 2 Ι 2 Α 2 θ 7 Ij Α θ9 4 ΖΕ l Ο 5ΡΑΝ υS4 Ο IS 5 Ι 4 θ4 S ΖΕ 0 Ο 5ΡΑΝ JS90 R Α 4 61 ΙΙ R 2b Κ Ρ Ο Α 5 ΟΟ 5W HFP 5 Υ ρ85 ο ιΟ 0000 IS 0 ΗS0 Αlι 0 Ε5157 σ θ ΗΙ 7 AUX Ζ AXIS COM 14Τ 9 Ιθ4 4G Β MAR Ι ...

Page 149: ...R b70 HLbK 9 Ι 6Κ 4059 Ι2 ι Ο 3 κ 1 44 ISV ΙΟΚ 0 b72 Ι 1 Ο 3 Κ Κ731 179 Β Ι 9 Η Ι ο 1 ιι αsΙδ U6 70 Α 1 Ι 4 εΝ 3 i ι ftAGKING Ι Ο ι s ΙΑ SWEEP JB Ε ο Ι 2 ιΗ sωεεΡ Α Έ ι Ι W ΕΕΡ ΗΖ 6 Η aOS2 Α ΟΟΑ7 Ι Ι ΑΕ6 OSC CO47 27 Ο6 4 Β 7 Κ τ i1530 ΤΙ Sν 0575 U585 αΙ ΟΙι 1 ΕΜ 339 c Α 90 ΗΗ ι S U685B 0 734 0 ΟΜ τ ΤΟ 47α ι 273b 7 42 Unuse d connectors s hown on these d iagrams are f actory test p oints ο 7 ια ορ ...

Page 150: ...REV Α M AR 1979 Α10ΟΑ 2 Α Oscillator See Parts List for serial n um ber ranges Α10ΟΑ7 Α Β Oscillator ι ...

Page 151: ...ΟΟΑ7 Α Β Oscillator Co n trol Q365 R324 U 375 R288 M N ΑΑ R280 ω ω ω r vv R284 Μη R282 2184 93 R 331 U 305 Α100Α6 Β Oscillator 2184 94 ...

Page 152: ...Α100Α1 F requency Reference Mother component location shown on back of Diagram Α500 Sweep component location shown on back of Diagram Ο 2 ...

Page 153: ...d with the waveform The Digital Averaging circuit board for the 71 5 was positioned to the side as sh own in the Calibration section Fig 4 20 Pertinent 71 5 control settings are also indicated wit h the waveform 0 V Q IQ ι No In _ 0 V α Output at U325 p in 9 ρ νΓ SPAN DIV 10 kHz b DOT FREQ 1000 00 b Output with DOT FREQ 9975 Ι L_ _ 1 08 CD Q b SPAN DIV 2 kHz ι At A A A 0 V S PAN DI V 10 kHz _ ί ί ...

Page 154: ...ό Ι Ι ΙΟο 0 33ι 442 Κ Z i ι ο Κ ιςν 4SV ρ 33 ISV2 NC μC C29 Ο ΟΙ Τ Τ 297 47η F U345 Ρ Ο ΑιΟΟΑι 3Ο 0 izs 3 ISV2 ΟΚ ιιθι1 GAIN ιςνΙ e3αz 1114 3 3 Κ Cρ U340 ι ss οιΟθ Ι 54PR R33z z ssΚ U935 Ζ θ ι 9 θ Ι L330 q GΑΙΝ C348 2 ΟΟ Η b θ 33 α b 3 Κ S 1 ISV2 6 3Ο 15V CR3b0 ρ 9αθ Ι RIOK ΟΟ Κ Q365 0 37 ο ρ R3b2 σ Μ ΤΙΝ 05C ι υυΕ Ι 5ν t 50V Π F 77 RE 41 1 RF 3 0 λ Ρ Ο Ρ ρ 1SVI 1sv z U3 0 U305 U335 Ι υ325 U315 U3...

Page 155: ...ιD L2b4 Ι Ι R2Τ9 22Τ 8 5 Ου7 4 Ν Ι Ι1 SI R2bH VI 2 οο ΕΖ Β ι 3 7 Ι S R277 Οό 3 Τ ςΖ 4 τ 0 22 Ι Ι Q7 7S 92ΤΟί Ε L78 d71 5600 Ι SZf 1 22Ο ι 111 2ΟΟρΗ Γ α Ι 1Ι 3 S 78 VR2b0 R ΖΤ 2 1 ο 2 Ι 3 ιαο οκ Τ o o zz R274 2οΟ 1ιS4 2οσ 0 27Ο 2 41C 0 2Τ 3 LZ 72 14η Η LIS4 14η Η 15V 10 ΑΙΟΟΑΙ F1EQ REF ΜΤΗ0 LA Ε ISV GF τ ISV ε 1 Ο 2 ISO CZ14 47 ηF 2Ο ν Lι 2Ο ξ Ζ 122 ι 4ηΗ 2 Ι 0 121 2 ο ΑΙΟΟΑ 6 Β OSGILLgTOR Τ cι 22 ...

Page 156: ...REV Β MAR 1979 Α100Α3 Tune Reference Α Ν 2184 80 C110 ...

Page 157: ...C112 Α100Α 1 Frequ ency Reference Mother C104 C114 C106 C108 ...

Page 158: ...Α1Α1 Front Panel component location shown on back of Diagram Α500 Swee p Component L ocation shown on back of Diagram Α30Φ0 Transverse Nertical Interface component location show n on back of Diagra m ...

Page 159: ...ΟΡΤΙΟΝ9 WS ΝΚ Ι Ι Ι Ι Ε Ι Ε μ ΙΙ Ε ίΙ Ι Η I s Ε υτΙΙ U Ν Ο α C LOAD Ι θ U170 Α Α Α ΙΖ α μ sνι UI60 αι sι0 c υΝτ c ικΓ υΝΤΕ0 1αL5190 _ bD BORROw 1 V ί L Κ DΘ D Ι E44BL Ε Ο Ι τ ωιιΝ Ι LOAD U165 Β SVι 0 ι bΟ ΙΟΚ Α1 ΟΟΑ9 2 Ι 89 4 Β ...

Page 160: ...C λ P1b0 Α ΟΟΑ3 ΤυΝΕ R E F Α Ν 2189 48 ΡΙΟ ΑΙΟΟΑΙ ο ο οο U nuse d connectors s h own on th ese d iagrams are factory test point or ορhισηα t h at may be use d for future αρρΙ ιοα t Ιση 5 Υ ΜΒ ι SV 1 5ρΗ 4 Π ι SV2 75 Ο ι Ύ 4 sv i U170 Ίν α U 75 1 sΝ 1a1s οαιs ι 13 0 1α 7 TUNE ΡΣ F ΕΚΕΝ CΕ Α Ν Π 5 Di FIT 7 ΡΙΟΤΟ ΟΑ 1 NR ...

Page 161: ...υ R201 C190 ΝΚ λ R202 R 191 i1 15V 11 R 200 R 192 ΝΗ L216 STRAP R194 NB W R 196 15V C216 R198 NJ 16 ν νν _ η 9 ηΩ 1 0 1 CR U215 19LV 16 U196 LC 16 1 GND ρ U210 LD 1 14 STRAP 14 U192 R 190 1 1 14 16 U194 U205 1 1 14 16 U200 U195 1 Ρ190 1 1 ΝΑ C218 HS HT 5V Q 4 σ 11 11 11111111 Ο Α100Α4 Tune R eference Β N 2184 79 ...

Page 162: ...Α100Α1 F requ en cy R eferen ce M other component location sh own on back of Diagram Ο 7 ...

Page 163: ...7L5 ααα 5 αα me ...

Page 164: ... ι TC ΟΟΑ4 T UNE 2EF C B T N υ2οQ 5 νρ ι5 14 CL κ D 2 cουΝΤεF s 74 ιθ 9 ο ι2 Unu se d co nn ectors sh own on th ese diag rams are facto ry test points or options t hat may be use d for f u t u re a pp licatio n s 5 νι Rl908 ιΙ4 β1Κ TUNE f F F E F E NCE β Ν 5ντ ϊϊ1s2 Ιν4 U 194 4 L5115 17 1 75 DJ ...

Page 165: ...U225 227 0238 226 ΡΕ R240 Ν 5V 1 Ε Ε 14 1 Β C230 ρ C2 Β 401 R230 R241 C T C C2 R λr Q240 0245 15V1 Ν C222 252 Φ C R252 C248 C252 L η 2 53 vvv η R248 ρς253 ρ R254 η ηr Ν 3 R246 α Μ R255 Q230 1 cN v μ R242 Ν1Λr D S U230 Α100Α5 1st LO Lock Α2000Α1Α1 1st LO Board 2184 78 2184 95 ...

Page 166: ...0 16ΟηΗ IbOy H_ S 1K I KF Α OSG Ι iKF C24Z PAS Ε Ι C240 Ο Ι ΣβΕΔ Ι PUMP _HE 1ΗΑβςΕ CL32 R23Z 123 C23T C23 θ Ο ΟΙ ΟεΤ Ο ΟΙ Θ G Μτβ Τ 1 0 Τ S60 Τ Ι 0 RL3H GRZ4L reL0 ΙΖ Ε ΚΕ S Κ Με4044 Ι ΙΜC4044 RL012 2ο ηη οκ βΖSS τ Ι ΙΡ 1 72 Ι 3 Α 4Κ 2S0 g1AS ADJ UST JZIOS RΖΟΙθ Ρ Ο Α1 ΟΟΑ1 FREQ REF ΜΤΝβ Ρ Ο Α2 ΟΟΟΑ 1 Α 2 15Τ LO M74R 2 ΙΒ4 5 Ο R EV Β JA N 19S1 C2000 ISyF R2000 ΙΚ SW ΕΕΡ I OFFSET R201 S SK α C Υ 7 ...

Page 167: ... 07Κ 2 Ό i6 ιοοο R202B ιs οκ CR2027 ΑΖοοοΑ ιΑ Ι5Τ LO C2104 17 SO ΧΑ βΖΟ3 G 1 ι οκ cio3 ι s L203Z Ρ ΟΑ2ΟΟΟΑ1Α2 sτ ιΟ ΜΤΗ0 ΤΘΟS ί2Ο46 y Ζ2γ F Ι64 θ U2035 14 2Ο32 ι 39ΟΟ q ε 7C2034 CR2033 R2042 2 Τ czo4a ιοοο Ij ΖΟ 50 3C2Ο4θ ο οι ΤΤ G20S2 ο ι SELECTED VALVE Τ2Ο4θ RioS2 1οΚ CR20S0 Ci060 9Τ 02Ο6Ο βΖΟ6z b 2 1 SV 1 R2027 9 STK Ι 1SV U LO_i0 0 Ζο 33 29 4 Κ NSSό 2 ΙςΤ LO Ι L O LOCK ιιτs Ριηπ 1 czoao Τ6 ΘγF...

Page 168: ...7L5 ...

Page 169: ...U2265 Α2000Α2 Vertical Control R2250 ...

Page 170: ...c I cc U 2215 Α1 Α1 Front Panel component location show n on back of Diagram R2215 R2235 Α1000Α1 IF Mother component location shown on back of Diagram 0 Α3000 Transverse Vertical Interface component location shown on back of Diagram ...

Page 171: ... SιΟ 42 ΟΟΟΑΙΑ 2 Ο ΜΤΝ R ήΖοοηΗ Αν 9 ι s Ι Ε 1 ων ιΙ ι9 _ιsν Ι νςν 1 Ι F ι ι Αι 2 θΙα Ν Ι 4 f 7LS Rτ2b2 α ο TRANSFER RITE fsν εzΙ 9ι Ιυ J ί 235 6 R 2 τ V τ 42 Jb010 1 SV R22S8 271 ε υ οά c ι 2 Α Ιι τ 7 s fSV OCPI Ζ7 Οι QZSIO Ο τε ναςο νί SERIAL C0T oFr sετ ΉόόέΕΝτ cR 3s ΟιουΝΟΝ4 R Sb Αιιc R22SS Ρ Ο Α2 οΟοΑΖ 111711 1Ο Sι 2 Π F υΤ UR ΟΡτΙ ΟΝς ιο C2 ΖS9 S 0 g R237 κα τκ Rτ 30b 75 ι _ _ πΡ sow ιοο R0M...

Page 172: ...SS α υα LL40D αδαSS S ιο ιοκ ατκ κ α π 9 πF ί Ρη ίΥ 0 U 32S0 SV SOV υ 924 SE υ4 ι 74 Ο F 1π υL Z4eF Ι sov 1τs z40A Ι Ρ ο ΑΖΟΟΟΑΖΑΖ ΟΕ CουΡμΝ G Ο Τ C οτ393 υ2 44δΑ ο άτ 0b άΖθ93 άτ1e ι 28304 2 Ι β2i6θ 4 7 4d0 άτ 0 π z39 ι 471τ 3 ι sv βτ1τ ι 4 1 ι REF LEV EL SΥ SΤΕ Μ 11i Ιι 7 5 PLM Ι ΓίΕ Ι Ι υιοοοε θ χι υιοοοο ι bde Ι ι ι OG ΙΙ ιο Ι Ι ο ο ο ιω d Ι όzόα ω c r τ 1 TGt371 ιΤι οι ι ι ά 2 θb ι Ζθα RzzO τ...

Page 173: ...gram Ο 2 Α 1000 Α 1 I F M ot h e r compo n e nt location sh own on back of Diagram 2 ρ Α 1000 Α 5 250 kHz Am p lifier com po n e nt location sh own on back of Diagra m 13 Α 2000 Α 2 Vertical Co ntrol co mpo ne nt locatio n sh own on back of 10 Α3000 T ra nsverse V ertical I n te rface compone nt location sh ow n on bac k of Diagram ...

Page 174: ...ΤΗΕR ΡΙΟ Λ U1002C 9 ιΤ υ1002D 10 ι IT R AF ΟΡτι 4 L Y Ζ 3 Ρ ο γ γ ΡΙΟΙΟ J νη Sv R Z2S0 3 ΙΟΚ ό ά 10 τ ιΖ SS 11 ό CR23Z0 C23Z0 bOγF LOG 2 Ρ ο s s V JΖΟ 22Sο ι 4 1Ο Κ C2 Ζ32Ζ 24Ζ CR42 0 ιιΝ Ι sv μττι s S44 1 R22S0 Ζ 1ΟΚ L l I υΖΖ9ΟC R44 CΡ 44 L1232ΟΒ 33ο 2 2342 IS OK d Ρ Ο ΑΙΑΙ R ΖθβΟ ρ ρ SV C Ζ340 100 Crx z342 JLO J R234b ΙΟΚ υυ c ηι Q234S 1 1 νΑκ RZ3S4 S V ΙΜ Ι LR Z2SS 9 Ι r Ι Ι BW 3 SV R22SS Β 4ϊ...

Page 175: ... ο Α οοο r s 2SO ΚΗΖΑΜΡ U n u se d connectors sh own on t hese ΟΝ diagrams are factory test points or π ο ΑΙοοοΑΙ o ptions th at may be use d for future 0 I r R appl i cat i o n s 1 IOUs P10 J2210 1 Ι ι R23S0 ιοο ίβ237 Ο R2344 100 CV 544 α CR Z3T2 C 23Τ4 Y to ς ΡΙΟΙΟ α SV C R 234 1 4 uz320 2320 74Οθ 49 9 Κ τ I C 234 θ 249 Κ 212S K 4 RSK92 2330 2334 37 4 Κ 1SOK 1 233 24 9 Κ Ζ33θ Ο ΖΙ S Κ 2348 ά 3Τ ...

Page 176: ... α 1 _ Ν υ Ν s υ 1 ο υ α 1510 υ 01530 Ι α ΑηηΓ 1532 ρΙ Υ1504 1 C1503 502 Ο Ο C1533 Τ U1535 R 40 J vv 16 rnJ Μ α U395 Ι σ ο ει Μ α Α1000Α6 2nd LO 2184 98 Α1000Α7 2nd Mixer Α1000 Α4 10 7 MHz Αι Υ390 R1528 16 ι Τ f Τ ΤιΕ Β Τ ύ όε σ ύ rc ύ C R390 R392 R396 1 i ο 8388 00 R386 υ Ε Ν Β Μ 39 ΤΤύ ύΤ C α 839 Ρ385 1 α 38 C3 SA 408 S α 1λΙ C38 σ ο ό Ρ380 4 1 L384 Γ φ 2184 75 Q ρ Α100Α8 Referen ce Oscillator C...

Page 177: ...serial number ranges Ρ1040 Τ1040 Ρ1045 2184 97 Α1000Α2 10 7 MH z I F In pu t Filter 2184 99 Ν Ο Ν Ν Ο Ο rc α U1002 U1000 11177 1 14 R 1018 η ηV R 1016 U U R101 R 1012 AAA R1010 R 1008 1006 A γ N C R 1000 λ C R 1002 1004 λΛ R1000 Io C R 100 1002 ς1002 _NA_ R 1003 ...

Page 178: ...I F M oth er C1018 C1016 4 Σ ι 15V 15V L1010 Α 1Α1 Fron t P an el componen t location sh ow n on back of Diagram ε J 1010 L1012 Α100Α1 F requen cy Referen ce M oth er com ponen t location shown on back of Diagra m Α500 Sweep comp onent location sh own on back of Diagram C1012 2184 100 ...

Page 179: ...Sό 9 Κ 7LS 1sv Ι ίΙ 75Ο ι sν ΑιΙΕVΕι άΟΑ Ι Ι _ Ι Ι Ι Π Ηι τ ιΝΡι1Τ d0 19 Ο_μ α ιιι ι Ο 9 ε _ 1750 Ι Χ Ι ιεVΕι Ι 3e3 α κ ικ s sΟπνΝΡυτ Ρ AS00 SVJ ΕΡ 1ωειο οακ ω αθ ί 93 ι Z3SK 3 z Cα Q395 R3so cfτ39z FRιΈ Α 21 ΕF ΑιΟΟΑΒ RεF ο CΑι ΑνΟοοΑ7 2υο ΜΙΧΕβ L A lI 2ιΒ 9 53 REV Β ΑR ιτ 79 ...

Page 180: ...V Β ι Α2 ωy UηιιsαΛ οοππ σ 1σι y Γισωπ οπ Γιααe g f t y I ll I ll σρfiοπ5 tΥια may be useU οr Γιι υια applications Ρ J Ο Α Α Fl ΡΝΙ εΑ Q ΙθΟΟ Ι Q 5 Ο 82ΟιγΗ sv ιοεr μ ΙJ όδΟΟΑ REF GAL 10 7 MHz 1F 2 MIXER 2 L O LOC1c_ uEsos sγ F ...

Page 181: ...Α5 250 kHz Amplifier See Parts List for serial number ranges Α1Α1 Front Panel component location shown on back of Diagram Α1000Α1 I F Mother component location shown on back of Diagram 0 Α2000Α2 Vertical Control component location shown on back of Diagram 10 2184 74 ...

Page 182: ... ΟΙ TL1432 4ΖΤ Ι ΙΤ 14 Ι 1ΟΟΟ Ι ξΖΟΚ οΖ 9 1404 5 R141a ΙοΟΚ 139 Β 1 74Y P 1402 ΙΙΚ R142 f ΙΟΟΚ 14 Ζ0 ΟΟΚ Ι 14 Ζ9 1οΟΥ ISV R 1414 i 3 bSK 1410 ISBK σ 147 4 100 Κ β1412 29 4 Κ C13S0 1 Ο 1SVz 21401 21 011 I _LCΙ4as β 14 ΟΒξ ΤΟ Ι 3ΟΟ tISVι R13S4 υ 400 4τ R1420 14ZL S b00 υ 4 OC ιmαοι I 1αι 4053 1 ΟΜ ΙΖ 3 f7 Ο lιι 6 β1411 COM ι4 8 3 SΤΚ 13 ι C1417 Ο Ι C 142 ο 33Οο C141a 3Ο β1419 499Κ ρ η 4S ξ 32 Κ VA R...

Page 183: ...o 4 Θ 7Κ C1420 3300 2 ιαΖΖ 4 ΗΤΚ 0 1 47 1 Ο 1 Ι 4 Ι3S4 4 Ζ C1422 S b00 ι V υιαι s CR 1420 ιΜ 3ο1 3 C Ι 41 θ 3 Ο PL1419 499Κ R1430 ISO A1000AS Ζ S ΟΙι z 1 F AMP 2184 54 REV A TUNE 1978 υι 4 ΟΟθ 0095 R 41 Τ 13 Ο Qι42 Ο β144Ο 1S0 C B G4 SVZ ί Ο 1SVZ R 9S8 R 13 4 1 ΟΟ υ Κ C13 4 υι4ι s υι4s0 δ Aljτ Ζ Τ 4Ο51 ω ί_Μ901 ό ω θ It α R1 Ο 3S9 1Ο 1SV 2 SOI Hz 1F ΑΜΡLΙ F 1 Ε R1416 9 300 ISV Z C14Q BOO la 41 Z 1...

Page 184: ...η ο REV Β MAR 1979 01670 01680 ο Φ ο ύ U1690 ο Α1000Α8Α 1 Variable Resolution Α1000Α8Α2 Crystal Hi Α1000Α1 I F Mother com ponent location shown on back of Di ...

Page 185: ...4 ά α Ic5V R18α 2 Υ1952 C86β ΟΟΑ8Α2 Crystal H ol d ers h own on back of Diagram 11710 R 1716 Z 1 Τ Τ1720 R1720 01720 01724 ι C1878 1 C1872 L 1872 Ν η ύ 01740 Q1730 C1902 C1906 C1895 U1695 R 1735 See Parts List for serial number ranges ΤΡ 1695 ΕG E F ΕΕ ED EC ΕΒ D U1700 ΤΡ1790 R175α C1762 1 01750 Q1760 R1688 C1750 R 1691 VR168 C1816 εTI ...

Page 186: ...10 R1814 R1830 Β R16667 _ _ R168 3A Vv R1700 R 1688 69 R 1689 R1686 R1733 01690 C R 1691 R 1687 V V VR Ι693 R1729 R1692 Ι VR 1687 J 1 l 1693 R167β R1690 R1691 R1673 _ R1704 R 1811 11910 φ Γ1888 4 R1812 R1887 ΝΥη 2184 73 ...

Page 187: ...ϊ LS αι ο mess C γ αποο εα 5 3 οσΓ 2ι 0 δό ι Ζ 2ΙΒα 55 REY 8 MAR ι 9 9 ...

Page 188: ... CRYSTAL NOLDERS zs sx Ι τΡπbο τοιτεs U 680C SVi C θ4b ΡΙο βΙ 77 Ο Rrs Ήό ό OCPI 0 ιθ 4Τ c 84Τ c1042 042 άθό2 R7Θ οΙ WόS ΥΜΝ 2 dθ1 WBSY οΡ ιό ό κ τανθοο τcιαοs VAR IA6Lt RE SO L L TION ΑΜΡL 4ι75 Ο υ Q1760 9 J Q1775 δ 9ο2sοο Ι οο βΙ ΟΟ Ι 2sο1υ βΙ6 δ υ 33ο Ι βι s Ο RΤ 5τΑ ο ο Α 1 R ι9 ο ΘΒ2 R 03b U16B0 ιν 324 Ι Ι ...

Page 189: ...1 IF Mother component location shown on back of Diagram 12 Α1000Α3 Log Lin Amplifier component location shown on back of Diagram 16 Α1000Α8Α1 Variable Resolution component location shown on back of Diagram 14 ...

Page 190: ...ι ιιβ94 0 1 ιιβsτ 1 1cιθ sο Ο Ι Τ Τ Ο ι P1 79 D CIg9S Ο 1 C1θ9 4 C10 σΟ CΙΒ σ2 CΙΘ bΕ ΙθΟ ΙΘ θ 2 b C Ι Θ 59 0 1 QI B95 ΙSν3 ΖΙθ94 1 ΟΟΚ Q1585 c1888 Ο Ι RΙβθ7 Z OSK LC1 θsb L ΟΙθ σ4 2ΟΟ 37S ΙΙ θS Τ L 18b OT ImH ImN Cι SO CRIS7b C RIS10 1SVj Q1 890 R 1902 Ι2 Κ CR 1900 ΖΙ 84 5G REV A MAR 1979 R 19 Οβ ξ LCι 2 τΚ ν CR Ια 1 ν 190 ΖΚ C R190 ΙΚ Ι ι 9Ο σ 12 Κ Ρ Ο ΑΙΟΟΟΑΘΑΙ VARIA BLE RESOL U I ...

Page 191: ... l908 Ι 1 Ο190 ο 2 2 Κ Τ Ο 1 ν CRI BIZ Ql900 81074 3 κ C1904 0 1 ν ΙΘ 71σ Ι R188S ΙΟΚ Ικ ιααα R190 Ι ΙΟ ΟΚ 12 Κ C θ13 ε 9 ιααθ α CISIO Ο Ι β 1914 4 99 Κ ο 191 θ 1 κ AV ο C Ρι 910 coo DAL 81912 2 Κ m 9 Ι too C1917 0 1 RΙΒ 0 0 7 θ ισ0 4 CW9 0 1 ρ188ο Ο CΙΘ 84 Cwt Ι Ο Ι Ιβθ3 3 9 Κ C1914 us 1 Φ WE 99 SOS C1918 C 1 0 C11 b0 0 12 Κ 9 ι1914 ιΙ 9ια W IN Ιm Η ν 10 KHz AMPLIT UDE ν 10 kHz ξ 30 kHz F ILT ERS...

Page 192: ...REV Α MAR 1979 Α1000Α1 I F Mother component location shown on back of Diagram Α1000Α3 Log Lin Amplifier ...

Page 193: ...ifier 2184 71 ...

Page 194: ...L Ν1 Ι CE LI L 2 Ι CELL 3 Ι OFF OFF OFF FF Ο ΟΝ Ο Ι 0 OF Ο Ι N F ΟΝ ΟΝ 41 ΧΙΟ U OOOC Ι 4 RE SISTO R Ρ 1 Ν OU T DATA 2 090 RΙΙ 20 Rl1S0 21190 7Ι 5 Κ Η CR Iο01 CR 02 0 L1 ΟΟθ ΙΟΟΚ Ι 5 ν U1000A R1 ι 20 J R ι ISO J 47 Κ 47 Κ PI C J ΙΟΙΠ 2Γβ 4 57 ΡΙΟ ΑΙΟΟΟΑ 3 L OG LIN ΑΜΡ U 01 Ζ4 L OG 12 9 I S V ν Ι 23 Ι ...

Page 195: ...5V3 δ 1SV4 α ΙΕ V5 ISV2 R ΟΚ 4 CR1176 F 13 RΙΙ 5ΟΑ Ο 1170 i R 1170 RIGS R ιπg9 75 οκ 0 0011 λ 2τοκ Q 70 ιοο ficK R119ΟΑ Ι5Vα 75 ΟΚ ς Ο 1Ο58 T Τ0 0 10j9 Ι5V U 50Δ Ι Ι 9 Ε Cιι 4 0 1 15V4 RΙΙ 7τ 274 R I 180 ι sκ η 80 σν Ρ Ρ Οι ι84 0 Ι RI1500 ΙΙθ2 R1184 4 Ο Z Κ Τ Ι5 Ι 5 Κ CII58 14 ISV2 Ο Ι Ι Ι 2 ΉΟ 4Ο Ε RI150D Ι 3 ΙΙΚ ISV2 R11906 4 ΟΖΚ ISV4 UI1908 2 Ι UII90A s 3Ο4 ο R 1191 R1 Ι 9ΟΕ Rl 190F 6 341L 2 74...

Page 196: ...ther component location shown on back of Diagram 7 Ο Α1000Α3 Log Lin Amplifier component location shown on back of Diagram 16 Α2000Α2 Vertical Control component location shown on back of Diagram 10 Α3000 Transverse Vertical Interface component location shown on back of Diagram ...

Page 197: ...Κ 10 v 3 Κ 0 1 ςιτ4ο 0 01 ι G1242 Ι 249 Ο Ι R 12S0 4Ο 2 DETE CTOR R1242 4 ΟΖ R1232 ΙΚ ISV C Rι252 0Rι2S0 4 ύ R1248 C124 loo 0 1 C1254 0 01s Ι Ι 0 01 ν Ι 5ν D 4 99 Κ 01258 590 R ΙΖ 5 θ 2 ΟΚ Ι Ρ Ο ΡΙΟΙί i R 1252 L 12 S4 RI25b UIOSOA α οΖκ ιο mΗ 1 0 κ 2 U 10508 ι Ι S 145θ CΙ 25 ο 3 7 FJ Ι ι 22 Φ I r _ RI y S4 Ι 5 Ι ι Κ Ι Ι_ 0 1 1 2 100 Ι Κ Ι ι ΑΙΟΟΟΑΙ IS V ι L F μΤΗ S H I EL D Ι Ι2ωο R 12 2 2ΟΚ Ι 218...

Page 198: ...39 L0410 2 IO dB J20 J S1 O FF SET RZ 225 r ΙΟΟΚ VER TICAL A MP LI FI E R 1 1 415V j Ale 49 9 R220B P17 7 10 UZZ053 R2 2I8 ISV ig ΙΟΟΚ ΙΟΟΚ Ι 45 β _ 49 9 1 1 Ε Ι RZ 235LA E5Α5ΕLΙιυΕ 2ΟΟΚ Ο CAL R2230 Sir ISV R2232 SIK Ρ ο ΑΖΟΟΟΑ 2 VERTICA L COI JTROL οΕτΕC το νΕ τι c Αι ουτ Ο J Z Ι 1J OF DISPL AY ΟΛΙ SCREE4 ρ Ο Α3ΟΟΟ TKAUSI 2212 εΙ 77 UZZ Ο 2227 LM 741 Ι Κ Η 2214 ΙΟΟΚ Ολ1 ΙΟ 8Β D IV 0P L IM ΜΟ DΕ O...

Page 199: ...uency Reference Mother component location shown on back of Diagram Α500 Swee p component location shown on back of Diagram Ο Α4500 Digital Storage component location show n on back of Diagram 20 Α3000 Transverse Vertical Interface component location show n on back of Diagram ...

Page 200: ... ΤΤΟ CRΒΤ θ CR 736 SV R758 SL IK _ Ι Ρ α J tc Ι ΗΟ 2ΙΖ η η OllT π9 s 3 Ι Ι ι RT30 19θ ι 5 V Ε rι5V 4991c SV Ι ς τ SV 1 ΨCΤS Β l γ F Ε TO BASELINE ιιιΡΡε G R TbO R 144 Ικ Δ 765 CRT70 ΟΟΤ b BV r f 39 301L 1SV R7 3b S 1 1 1ι RT37 S b 1 1SV 0CT L ISV DC ΡL Q73S r5V C Ρ7ΟΟ CR731 φ Uρ 33Α b BV L R732 ΗΣ SWPH ORIL 3 C 4 3L5ο1 κ I Ρ 731 10 ζ0 Τ34 4 4 ΟΒΚ C R138 Ο CR730 CR732 Θ ΟΟΚ s R7 b 4 Ρ Ο 4Τ 6 Κ Ρ 20...

Page 201: ...1 S V 15V Unuse d co nnecto rs shown on these diagrams are factory test points or options that may be used fo r future applications 115V2 C1134 0l l R764 too DO PL C766 0 1 ι 5 ν Γσ ΒV G780 R76 0 1 4 7 27 θ 8 α 7 P7eo 6 2Κ ΙΖ782 ΓσΖΚ 5 Ο 1 HORIZ ξ JERT DI SPL AY PROCESSING OP TION S J535 i Θ 19 5 Ον ί ΑΙΒ ι sν l h V V iGM Φ Ο ΑνΟΟΑ1 FRει Ζ R EF ΜΤΗ2 ιθν Ι ι 6 ν α 5ν GT GW J 3 G U ι3 Ο 9 Ο ΙΟ 1 Ο Α...

Page 202: ...U4005 U4105 16 U4010 U4110 16 14 U4015 16 U4115 16 U4020 15V DCPL U4120 16 16 U4025 U4125 16 C4184 U4030 ...

Page 203: ...U4035 U4135 16 U4040 U4140 16 U4045 U4145 16 U4050 U4150 Α4000 Digital Averaging ISN Β069999 below 16 U4055 U4155 14 U4060 16 U4065 15V kAAf R 4195 AA ή 41_ DC PL C41 R41 la l 1 1 16 U4160 ...

Page 204: ...U4065 14 14 1 14 U4070 U4075 NAV 9 1 10 JV1 6 U 7 U4080 R4198 99 Γ α CA A8λ π 10 U4085 Ν Φ Γ Ν Ο α α C4094 191 95 ύ 1 3 ό AAAr R 4195 R4192 89 89 6 T C4196 R4193 1 16 1 14 1 16 1 14 195 U4170 U4175 U4180 υ 2184 68 ...

Page 205: ...s shown in the Calibration section Fig 4 20 The CAL IBRATOR signal is a pp lied to the INPUT 7L5 control settings are as follows Q SPAN DIV 0 DIS PLAY Α and Β ON RESOLUTIO N 10 kHz SAVE Α OFF Display Mode 1 0 dB DIV Swee p Mode SGL SWP REFEREN CE LEVEL 40 d Bm Time Div 5 ms DOT FREQUENCY 1 MHz M111 α 04085 pin 8 Trigger b 04160 pin 7 c 04160 pin 9 d 04100 pin 8 Front panel controls same as Diagram...

Page 206: ... 1 1 ί418Ζr y IOCO ρF ίυ εω ρΑΟ α1θ4 ε4Ι96 ς ιν ι Isν όαιτα Ι6ΟΑ 4191 ν Ό 4 1γF α Ό4 11 TF ι i Κ ι S ΟGΡι υ 08S R419i ws20 θ 1ε 3Ι9 14 IOOpF Ι SνιΟ Gριι 1sνιΟ Gριι svlOGP ιι ι 4 Ι 3α 4 9b ζ Ι 24 9 β G419S7 S1K G ΤΟ 1 ΟΟ ε 1 Ο 1 4 9 Τ RA Ι SΤυ υ 416 οΒ b ΒΚ i01c Α Δ CIR i 41 θ9 6S ο ι 1 7Γ GI L Cβ4Ιθ 9 ι Ι ι Δ 9 ηο Ια 4Α ω 2α Ι 11 u41joC α Α ΜειΖ osc τΟ s zΑ ο Ταί 1sτ k4 Ιί 7 4 1 4 6 1S V 3 Ια 1 S ...

Page 207: ...τ Α1 Α ε 1 ετ ε 3 εα Α5 Α Ατ Α b ε s εb ε εθ ι αοοα c ο ι 9 c ιR αοοα c ο ά αοτs α 6 Τ ΑΟΟ 4R α θΙΤ ΑΟοεR α αοτ θι τ ei αα s Σb g g L 4ΟΙΟ Ί ε ll40SSC τ ι υ4 7ΟΘ α Κ Ο Ι 041556 αυ 4050 ο ε 1 αο 4 θ 4ου bSC υ4Ο75ο ιοιιΙ Ι Ι Ι Ι ν αοοα Ι ν α0 ΜΑΤμ l4Clb4 θ STAG E SN FT REGIST ER cια εικ 9 υαιΟΟ 4ιιοο αοπ s αοτ s υ 4 ο 75c ικ Ιια Κ υ4 ιο s ι sνίο cρι ι s D εPy Isv ο cνι υ4 Ι8ο υ 4070 υ 4 Ο 55 αοοι αο...

Page 208: ... η σι α α An α α c ά 1 η Τμ m σ ν ύ 1σ σ σ ν σ σ σ υ ν 1 1 α 6 σ_ σ α α C45477 λΓ 4547 R4595 ι U4560 r 00 CD 16 t4 U4562 Ι Ι Ι U4566 υ ά ν ά νξ 10 1 Τ 1 α α α α U4564 Ll 16 6 16 υ U4580 U4582 U4584 U4586 1 1 1 1 REF SV REF θ υ4sbθ Ιω υαsbτ υαsττ υάsθο Τ4C ΙΤα Τ4 Ο 193 θτ ISVZ SV oSV SV REF υ 4S4 θ υ4S Οθ U4ST6 υ 4111 β τ 0 υυ 4 α 6Sb τΟ ο 3 Ι 94 3 Ι 9 Ν SS Θ υυ 4 α 45SS ττ 444 ο ς 21y 1 G9o υ υ 4 ...

Page 209: ...4620 _ 4547 t Γ R4616 Cgg66 PrR4614 16 04566 04568 1 04548 16 04570 C4600 Ο 1μ F Ν 16 ΤΡ4556 4633 633 04572 16 16 16 14 υ U4588 U4590 T U4592 U4594 1 1 1 1 Α4500 Digital Storage SN Β069999 below SV ISV τ SV SV SV REF 14SR Θ υ4S3 θ OSS9 L14S06 ς 4C Οθ 40SS6 1 T4CIOT 30 114 41 4 ι T401b0 p4SS0 Τ4CΙΤ 3 υΟ S θ 6 bθ δθ VRQb00 Υ 6 2 V SV Sv Ιω 4114 Ιι υ 461τ υ 4Sθ 4 υ4144 Ο4Sθθ υ 411 θ ρ 4SΤθ υ 4S9 Ο l4...

Page 210: ... α ύ 1 1 ύ 1 ύ U4574 1 0 C4664 Ν Ο Ο α σ 16 U4594 U459β 1 See Parts List for serial nu mber ra nges U4558 L8 Ρ4525 F U4576 Ν ά 22 ά σ υ υ U4598 Τ υ45α8 Α1Α1 Front Panel com ponent location sh own on back of Diagram Α500 Sweep com p on ent location sh own on back of Diagram υ σ σ Ν ΝΤ ά ο α ν ά σ υ σ Α100Α1 Frequ ency Reference Moth er com p onent location sh own on back of Diagram 6 2184 66 ...

Page 211: ...rms 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 control settings are as Waveform 7 and 8 the control settings are the same except follows as follows 0 V SPAN DIV 10 kHz SPAN DIV 0 RESO LUTION 10 kHz REFERENCE LEVEL 40 dBm Display Mode 10 dB DI V DOT FREQUENCY 1 MHz DISPLAY Α and Β ON SAVE Α OFF Time Div 5 ms DOT FREQU EN CY 00 0 0 IQ 10 0 D Cursor ΤΡ4512 0 V T P4520 0 SPAN 1 ms DIV 0 V 04570 pin 16 Digitized Horιz Sweep λ SG...

Page 212: ... I I Ιο τ 1ί Svlzs 1το U454Οη ι α ι τs U45411 Lν Ι 5 υάs αι e ιω 9 u4szza ι Γ 1 RL S ΡΕΑΚ Ανc τ 3 κ9υ45 Ο8Α ι Rκ u aseωq Jl u as as uassoa υ4530 Α υ4532 Δ ά τ rT U4534Δ zοκ U4534C ΙΜ Ι Ι Ι 3 Ιάω Ζρ 7ιοτ s 6 σ Ια 2ια 6 ι F4o2s Rev Β ι Νλ R Ι 979 υ455 c4s ά ...

Page 213: ...s3er ro Α ηι F αοε τ αΑενει υαόθΒΒ 955zo 1 s α αοε 59 28 uas9e 1114590 υαs oz ουτ Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι Ι ΙααΑ ί14592Α α5ιο α 4 α g 2α τρ __ εc s τ ri ε ά 4ό 94C U456 α U4570 ιiοzιχ ΙοοΚ ς7 ι s Ια 6 υ 4s αοα ο ι τα ι Ι υ4544Α έ άι ύ β ά Ζ U Ι α α s Ι ϊ R e Ι Τ e Ι ιι eα ει Paozs 8 ΜΑβΙ 979 υ4522Α sεα υ4576 θ DIGITAL STO RAGE SN θο αης 9 3 ειοω υα ss ια ...

Page 214: ... 1 Ρ4721 Α1 Α1 F ront P anel component location shown on back of Diagram Α100Α1 Frequency Reference Mother component location shown on back of Diagram Α500 Sweep component location show n on back of Diagram U4730 REV C FEB 1980 Α4700 Digital Storage SN Β070000 ...

Page 215: ...EB 1980 m οώ η υ ά σ L U4709 rc 4752 υ Ι Lύ Ι J47θ4 I R4715 I Ι m 3N U 4730 W R4711 U47 04 U9720 υ ύ Ψ Φ Ν η η η U4702 ο C474 d 2 476 α ά rc rc R47B9 α Ν υ L Φ Φ η η Φ ω r ώ ή ή ή C4754 υ η φ α rc rc ά C4757 η ή CR474θ 47 C47 U4788 4728 472 Μ ω Φ F ά U4744 U 4735 ά Ν Ν U47 θθ 2184 91 ...

Page 216: ... Ν GAIN R475 Θ ιsοκ 15V4 Ι U 4746 BOC97 5 νι R4751 OR R47Z8 ι 5ο κ Α 4734 α99 νι Ροωε 0 υν 0 ε SΕτ U4747F U4747Ε 74L514 74Ι514 s 4 _ PT Ρρ7 ρΙVΙΡε 6 7458 7 527 U4747A 74 ι U 4747C 74 L514 U4760 t15V 3αι 0 Ιε 4746 5κ H 12 OFFSET Ρ473 ο ΥΥ Ι ΌGOI F Γ υ U Ι 473 5 θν _θ ι 479τ 4 470 3 5Vι 0 4733 470 Α7 υ 4733 Α 74 ι 5 οο 84755 C4 κΑς ΗΑτ HAS νΕR7 AQUI51710N 1 VΑ ο θ VAy VA Θ V A AA σsοι VΑς VA 6 Ι VA7...

Page 217: ... 2 D Ο1 3 χσ ν Ί R4737 Η 5 ι ι α α ΙΟσ Ν Ιηιι ι υ 474ο ε5V U4753 9 ι 4 Ο ά4SΤ Β 7 5 Κ R4721 K VERT 47_ GAIN U 4739C 5 ν R4731 Ι 5 Ν 9 Ι Ο 5ν VΕ 0 7 θ R4723 OFFSETS 0 Κπ 0 4 9 7 3 ί 737C ELAPSE 7 ιΜΕ V 70 ΜΕ7 Ε 0 ΟσΝ 5 τΑΝτ U4739D 7 00 C4709 7 F R4124 ιοκ U4708 αια ι5 ν2 1047s2 4759 Π ί 4754 ί 4755 5V ι 5 νθ α s ει 0 ο 7 ά4s1S 8 T Βιαχκ ι C4 7αΙ C 4742 C474 C4744 C4750 C4751 IS STORE νεβτ χΑ ισ V 5...

Page 218: ...C E CO NNECTIO NS β38 Α38 Α34 Α35 Α37 Β37 Α32 Α33 835 Β33 Α31 R3014 22 C3014 Rr Β30 831 Α30 Α28 CR3034 CR3012 Ν CR3032 ν Β29 Β28 R3038 U3015 Α26 Β27 03020 Β26 Α24 R3026 AV A 14 1 Β25 B24 R3032 Aty V 1 R302 R 3012 Α22 Α18 ΝΙ CR30 24 Β18 3 Α13 U30 Β1 Ι Ι 1 10 J3030 U3005 U3000 Q3000 C3004 C3002 2184 64 ...

Page 219: ...Α1 Α1 Front Panel component location shown on back of Diagram Α500 Sweep component location shown on back of Diagram ...

Page 220: ...θ7θ 82 5y ρ ι ISV 7 LS R902Z χ U 30 58 7 CΑ3Οθθ 11 30 CR 3032 β9Ο92 4 30 SGR 3098 ρ σ L8 0 C bO ΖΟΟηΗ kS00 SW ΕΕΡ CR30z 2 SV οCΡL Gβ9Ο14 β9CIO 4 1 Κ LJ301S E ι εΑ9ΟΒ6 δ sv CPL R 3010 4 7Κ ISV ι1 ίΑθΟθδ ιο Q3020 5V PL Ι ί ΖΕβΟ SPAN 2901 0 4 1 χ 2 0901 50 5 ΟΑ3ΟΒώ 1 J3000 74Lio τ 1 Dn Ι Q3000 6V DCPL β3Ο 1 Ο 4 7 χ gv ΟεΡι R3010 4 ΖΚ SV DCPL R3010 4 7 1 GLK CL K C AJo 9 θ τ VR9004 1L bV 4ββΟ OQS7S Ι ...

Page 221: ...s that may be used fo r f uture app li cations SV DIP L Ι 1 α U ΖΟΟΟ ταιlο Τ OVA α w SV οcΡι Ρ 300Β SΗΟ WΝ ιΝ ΝΟR Μ P OS1T10N R alΟ1Ο 4 Ζ Κ 1 ΒΖΖ l3 8 Ζ3 ΑΖ4 ΒΖ 4 ΑΖ 5 ΒΖ5 1 Α 2b ΒΖ ο ΑΖΖ B2l Ρ Ο J θοτο ιι r ΡS 1 3 0 Ι 5 Ι τ ι AXIS L OGIC DOT SWITCHI NG LEFT 1 ΝΤER 1 ACξ OPTIONS ιιΖ1 Ριν ΒΖ7 A 3 τ1τz ΑΖΖ RIG HT I NTERFACE ...

Page 222: ...s in this section are referenced by figure and index numbers to the illustrations In the Parts List an Item Name is separated from the description by α colon Because of space limitations an Item Name may sometimes appear as incomplete For further Item Name identification the U S Federal Cataloging Handbook Η6 1 can be utilized where possible INCH ELCTRN ELECTRON IN INCH SE SINGLE END NUMBER SIZE E...


Page 224: ...217 00 ATTACHING PARTS 16 220 0557 00 4 NUT SLEEVE 6 32 Χ 0 204 OD Χ 0 11 8 L BRS 80009 220 0557 00 17 211 0507 00 4 SCREW MACHINE 6 32 Χ 0 312 INCH PNH STL 83385 OBD 18 129 0161 00 3 S PAC ER P OS T 0 86 IN C H LO NG B RS 80009 129 0161 00 REFE RENC E M DL ASSY IN C LUDE S 19 337 2103 00 1 S HIEL D ELE C REF M OD ULE COVER 80009 337 2103 00 ATTA C HIN G P A RT S 20 211 0234 00 24 SC RE W MACHINE ...

Page 225: ...52 07 29 SOCKET PIN CONN W 0 DIMPLE 22526 75060 012 59 136 0263 04 9 SOCKET PIN TERM FOR 0 025 INCH SQUARE PIN 22526 75377 001 60 131 1493 00 2 CONTACT ELEC TEST POINT STRAP 80009 131 1493 00 61 214 0579 00 2 TERM TEST POINT BR S CD PL 80009 214 0579 00 62 1 CKT BOARD ASSY A DIV IDER Ν SEE Α100Α3 REPL ATTACHING PARTS 63 211 0162 00 4 SCREW MACHINE 2 56 Χ 0 188 INC H SCH SST ΟΟΟΑΗ OBD CKT BOARD ASS...

Page 226: ...BLACK 00779 530153 2 1 36 0252 04 ΧΒ070000 Β071199 20 SOCKET PIN ΤΕ RΜ υ W 0 016 0 018 DIA PINS 22526 75060 007 136 0252 07 Β071200 100 SOCKET PIN CONN W Ο DIMPLE 22526 75060 012 136 0260 02 ΧΒ070000 10 SΚΤ ΡL IN ELEK MICROCIRCUIT 16 DIP LOW CLE 71785 133 51 92 008 136 0263 04 ΧΒ070000 21 SOCKET PIN TERM FOR 0 025 INCH SQUARE PIN 22526 75377 001 136 0269 02 ΧΒ070000 6 SΚΤ ΡL IN ELEK MICROCIRCUIT 1...

Page 227: ...24 PIN LOW PROF 73803 C S9002 24 121 346 0130 00 1 STRAP RETAINING FOR 40 CONTACT SBSTR SKT 00779 350894 1 122 136 0641 00 Β010100 Β059999 1 SOCKET PLUG ΙΝ 40 CONTACT 00779 1 485169 2 136 0623 00 Β060000 Β071199Χ 1 SOCKET PLUG ΙΝ 40 DIP LO W PROFILE 73803 CS9002 40 123 136 0269 02 Β010100 Β071079 1 SΚΤ ΡL IN ELEK MICROCIRCUIT 14 DIP 73803 CS9002 14 136 0252 04 Β071080 14 SOCKET PIN TERM U W 0 016 ...

Page 228: ...9 2859 75 4 160 131 0938 00 1 CONNECTOR RCPT 50 OHM MALE SNAP ON 98291 051 043 0349 161 131 1605 00 2 CONNECTOR RCPT MALE 50 OHM SLIDE ON ΟΟΟΑΑ FA 00 250 162 175 1670 00 1 CABLE ASSY RF 50 OHM COAX 5 166 LONG 80009 175 1670 00 ATTACHING PARTS 163 211 0069 00 1 SCREW MACHINE 2 56 Χ 0 125 INCH PNH STL 77250 OBD 164 337 2072 00 1 SHIELD ELEC OSC BUFFER 80009 337 2072 00 644 0449 00 1 IF MODULE 80009 ...

Page 229: ...T BOARD ASSEMBL Y INCLUDE S 198 136 0263 04 16 SOCKET PIN ΤΕ RΜ ΣΟR 0 025 INCH SQUARE PIN 22526 75377 001 199 136 0252 07 63 SOCKET PIN CONN W Ο DIMPLE 22526 75060 012 200 214 0579 00 2 TERM TE ST POINT BRS CD PL 80009 214 0579 00 201 386 3390 00 1 PLATE HEAT SINK ALUMINUM 80009 386 3390 00 ATTACHING PARTS 202 211 0087 00 7 SCREW MACHINE 2 56 Χ 0 188 INCH FLH SST 70318 OBD 203 211 0112 00 1 SCREW ...

Page 230: ...8 OBD 238 211 0112 00 2 SCREW MACHINE 2 56 Χ 0 375 FLH 100 DEG 83385 OBD 239 337 2093 00 Β010100 Β092285 2 SHIELD ELEC FRONT AND REAR LEFT 80009 337 2093 00 337 2822 00 Β092286 2 S HIELD ELEC FRONT AND REAR LEFT 80009 337 2822 00 ATTACHING PARTS 240 211 0087 00 4 SCREW MACHINE 2 56 Χ 0 188 INCH FLH SST 70318 OBD 241 342 0315 00 4 INSULATOR FILM CKT BD BOTTOM W SELF ADH Β 80009 342 0315 00 242 342 ...

Page 231: ...0235 00 2 SHLD GSKT ELEC 4 734 INCH LONG 80009 348 0235 00 276 351 0432 00 1 GUIDE POST LOWER 80009 351 0432 00 ATTACHING PART S 277 211 0105 00 1 SCREW MACHINE 4 40 Χ 0 188 100 DEG FLH STL 83385 OBD 278 351 0430 00 1 GUIDE P OST UPPE R 80009 351 0430 00 ATTACHING PART S 279 211 0105 00 1 SCREW MACHINE 4 40 Χ 0 188 100 DEG FLH STL 83385 OBD 280 136 0387 00 3 J ACK TIP GRAY 71279 450 4352 01 0318 2...

Page 232: ...L SEE ΑΙΑ1 R EPL ATTACHING PARTS 323 211 0116 00 7 SCR ASSEM WS HR 4 40 Χ 0 312 INCH PNH BRS 83385 OBD CKT BOARD ASSY INCLUDES 324 351 0442 00 1 SLIDE DR MECH TIME DI V SW ITCH 80009 351 0442 00 325 136 0252 07 15 SOCKET PIN CONN W Ο DIMPLE 22526 75060 012 326 136 0269 02 4 SΚΤ ΡL IN ELEK MICROCIRCU IT 14 DIP LO W CLE 73803 CS9002 14 327 136 0263 04 13 SOCKET PIN TERM FOR 0 025 INCH SQUARE PIN 225...

Page 233: ...Α1000Α3 ο9 Ib REV Β MAR 197 9 Β W1040 r lG τg 55 W1505 88 91 CSC 89 Α45 ...

Page 234: ...162 ι54 Α2000Α2 ΟΟΑ7 ι96 Γ 1τ1 118 157 155 11 182 η il 1 1τ4 158 156 119 ΑΙ Ό L 148 Ι 149 153 146 1α1 Α2000ΑΙΑ1 W390 143 145 12 136 141 ν W380 W230 347 τ 19 Α1 00Α4 το m Nιιφί Ι Εω l Φ Φ 11 11 51 A10OA6 7L5 SPECTRU M AN ALYZ ER ...

Page 235: ...N MARKED 80009 337 1159 02 2 378 0684 00 1 FILTER LT CRT BLUE 80009 378 0684 00 070 1734 01 1 MANUAL TE CH OPERATORS 80009 070 1734 01 070 2184 01 1 MANUAL TECH INSTRUCTION 80009 070 2184 01 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 1 L1 PL IN MODULE 50 OHM 1 L2 PL IN MODULE 75 OHM 1 L3 PL IN MODULE 50 ΟΗΜ 600 OHM 1MEG ΟΗΜ 28ΡΣ 1 2701 ATTENUATOR STEP 50 OHM 1 2703 ATTENUATOR STEP 75 OHM 7L5 SPECTRUM AN ALYZER ...

Page 236: ... Since the change information sheets are carried in t he ma nual until all changes are permanently entered some du pl ication may occur If no such change pages ap pear followi ng this page your manual is correct as pri n ted S ERVICE ΝΟΤΕ Because of t he universal parts procurement problem some electrical parts in your instrument may be d ifferent from th ose described in the Replaceable Electrica...

Page 237: ...tive goi ng trigger output sig nal at least 1 V Hig h Amplitude out put 60 V PG 506 Does not have chopped feature SG 503 Amplitude range 5 mV to5 5 V ρ ρ SG 503 Frequency range 250 kHz to 250 MHz SG 504 Frequency range 245 MHz to 1050 MHz TG 501 Trigger output slaved to marker output from 5 sec through 100 ns One time mark can be generated at α ti me TG 501 Trigger output slaved to market output f...

Page 238: ...5 SPECTRUM ANALYZER S ERVIC E Manual Part No 070 2184 01 Ι rοd ιι ct DESCRIPTION EFF SN Β091945 REPLACEABLE ELECTRICAL PART S CHANGE S CHANGE TO L1254 108 1036 00 COIL RF 10MH L1254 is located on t he LOG LΙΝ AMPLIFIER c irc uit board assembly and shown on diag ram 18 DETECTOR VERTICAL OUT ...

Page 239: ...CTRICAL PARTS LIST AND SCHEMATIC CHANGES CHANGE Α1000Α6 670 3912 01 CΚΤ BOARD ASSY 2ND LO CHANGE A1000A6Q1530 151 0427 00 TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN A1000A6R1532 317 0478 00 RES FXD CMPSN 47K OHM S 0 125W A1000A6R1526 317 0101 00 RES FXD CMPSN 100 ΟΗΜ 5 0 125W The above parts are located on the 2nd LO circuit board assembly and showy on Digram 13 REF CAL 10 7 ΜΗΖ IF 2nd MIXER 2nd LO LOCK ...
